Primal Gains

Product Name: Primal Gains

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Scientists on the eastern coast of Sweden have recently discovered an “anabolic adaptation switch”… buried deep inside your DNA just waiting for you to flip it on… Because once it’s on— it’s like emptying a vile of natural anabolic hormones into your bloodstream…  A stack of hormones so potent your muscles can’t help but grow… 

And starting today you can actually take control of how much muscle you gain every 14-days like clockwork… And in just 2-weeks see the kinds of gains it takes most guys months, even years to achieve.

And you won’t have to shovel platefuls of bland chicken breast and broccoli down your throat every 2 hours… suck down chalky and expensive protein shakes… track your macros on MyFitnessPal… or anything like that. In fact… 

The Swedish “test subjects” who’ve tried this exciting new muscle-building DNA hack… packed on huge amounts of rock hard mass while eating Swedish meatballs and ice cream… And hardly gaining an ounce of fat.

Because in a moment I’ll tell you about the groundbreaking discovery…

And works for even if you have crappy genetics…  one of those “hummingbird metabolisms”… and you’ve tried every bodybuilding magazine, YouTube or Instagram workout…  

And you still can’t fill out a t-shirt to save your life… or shake off that ugly skinny flab you hate. 

Some guys spend thousands of dollars for illegal injections… worthless testosterone boosters and other “underground” ways to get this same kind of edge… 

But this strange anabolic cycling hack… which really is as simple as “pulling a few levers” in the body… is completely safe and natural even though it delivers a suspicious amount of gains almost overnight. 

I know that sounds too good to be true…  

And trust me… back when I was a frustrated hard-gainer who was pissed off that the scale wouldn’t budge… and I couldn’t get past a certain number on the bench press… I thought it sounded like a bunch of BS too…  

Yet that’s when I accidentally discovered this unusual method to put your body into anabolic overdrive… that helped me pack on over 17 lbs of solid muscle in less time than it takes most guys to gain just 1 pound of muscle… 

And I did it all without gaining an ounce of fat when it was all said and done.

My buddies thought I was on steroids… 

But I swear there wasn’t any “funny business” involved… and I promise when you keep reading, I’ll hand over the stacks of scientific proof that confirm…  

This is gonna clear the air on all the conflicting information about how to build muscle as fast as possible… 

And if you follow exactly what I tell you on this page… 

You’ll strut into the gym with mountains of muscle on your shoulders, chest and biceps… that dwarf the other guys there… and catch the attention of every gym babe within a 10-mile radius. 

And you’ll wade through the mass of confused lifters doing 5-day bro splits… weird tactics to “shock” or “confuse” their muscles… And all the other nonsense that’s actually sabotaging any chance of building rock-hard, head turning muscle without the body fat.

Because in a minute I’ll show you…

Hi— I’m Josh Byron and…

Month after month of training and eating for growth…

Without the scale going up by even one measly pound…

Or adding a fraction of an inch to my pipe cleaner arms… 

Looking enviously at guys who are twice my size… 

And see THEM get all the attention from the women I find attractive.

But everything changed when I discovered I could tap into my own DNA to create a natural anabolic cycle that packs on muscle almost overnight…  

And in just a minute I’m going to take you by the hand and show you how to do the exact same thing… except even faster than I did…

So like I said before, my name’s Josh Byron… 

And I’m not a personal trainer, bodybuilder, fitness model, or anything like that. 

I’m a regular guy who knows what it’s like to fight like hell for every ounce of muscle… 

Without seeing the tiniest changes to my physique… 

Feel small as an ant when some muscle-bound jock walks into the room… 

And want to crawl in a hole and hide when anyone draws attention to my skinny frame… 

Because a few years ago…  

And people always thought I was way younger than my actual age because of my “boyish” frame. 

My family was always telling me to “eat more.” I was the butt of everyone’s jokes. The girls I hung out with would say things like, “Josh, I always feel so fat around you.” And these weren’t exactly “big girls” if you catch my drift.

And when I somehow managed to score a date… 

The girl I was with would tell me in one breath that she liked guys with a slender body, and that I was just her type… 

And then in the very next breath she’d swoon over some big, muscular guy who walked into the room… 

Or get all hot and bothered when Hugh Jackman or Chris Hemsworth take their shirt off in a movie.

I was actually TRYING to get bigger. 

I was in the gym as often as any other gym rat. 

But even though these guys with hulking physiques just kept getting BIGGER… I was curling the same 12.5 lb dumbbells and hiding my chicken legs under a pair of sweatpants. 

I ripped out workouts from popular muscle magazines… followed my favorite fitness YouTuber’s nutrition tips… I was doing everything “right.” 

And those guys in the r/fitness subreddit who say all you have to do is eat more calories than you burn and you’ll gain muscle… yeah, they were no help. Because when I tried to get on there and explain my struggle… 

I was slowly starting to form an ugly layer of fat on my stomach. My chest got a little flabbier. My arms got softer. I looked pathetic.

Before I started trying to bulk up, I at least had a 4-pack. Now I had a belly pooch and love handles that made me look even worse. 

I reached my breaking point on a Monday afternoon when I went to the gym for chest day… slid some measly 5 lb plates on each side of the bench press … and grunted my way through a set. 

But after I grabbed a drink from the water fountain…

My heart was pounding in my chest. 

But while he started loading-up the bar with not one, but TWO 45 lb plates on each side… I decided I couldn’t let him push me around.

“Excuse me…” I said… 

I could hear frickin’ AC-DC blasting through his headphones… 

So I tapped his rock hard shoulders with my bony little finger. He pulled out one of his headphones… and just looked at me. 

“I was using this bench. Can I have it back?”

He snickered. Put his headphones back in. Laid back. And started repping out the weight like he was lifting toothpicks. And I just stood there like a dufus.

Out of the corner of my eye I could see two cute gym girls whispering and pointing at me. My skin turned red hot. I felt like a coke bottle that’s been shaken up and wants to explode. 

And nudge the bar so maybe it’d topple over… make a huge crash… and then this guy would know what it’s like to be humiliated in front of everybody. But instead… 

I was so embarrassed that I walked out of the gym with my tail between my legs… And quit my workout after just one set of bench press.  

I was fuming the whole way home. About ready to quit.. 

There had to be something I was missing. Some kind of biological switch that kept me scrawny and weak even when I was hitting the gym and scarfing down food every chance I got.

So I decided to take one last shot in the dark… a final attempt to figure out what was holding me back from building the kind of muscle that gets people to take me seriously… 

Or at the very least, wouldn’t make any meathead think he could steal my bench and ignore me. 

So instead of opening fitness magazines… or watching YouTube… or logging in to Reddit for advice… 

I locked myself in my room and read through real scientific journals looking for answers. And I’m not gonna lie. There was a lot of conflicting information… even in the science… 

But then out of nowhere…

This information was basically unknown anywhere else in the world. And it goes completely against the traditional advice for how to build muscle… 

But it’s the most basic, common sense muscle-building factor there is… 

A genetic switch that every guy has… even you… 

And once you “pull the lever”, so to speak… the gains are automatic. 

And it’ll add piles of muscle onto your physique and eliminate body fat almost overnight. Even better… 

When you flip on this muscle-building switch… it releases a powerful combination of anabolic hormones that women can practically smell on you. 

And their “animal brain” is hardwired to want guys who have this switch up. And what’s also crazy… 

Guys can sense when this switch is on too… 

And they’re programmed to respect, even fear guys who have it activated. More on that in a minute… 

But like I said before…  

And it’s not your fault either…  

The switch is off because your current environment is “talking to your DNA”… but it’s not saying the right thing…

Which I know sounds kinda “out there”, but stick with me for a minute because this is where things get interesting… 

Scientists from Oxford, Harvard and other top universities agree that your DNA has adapted over hundreds of thousands of years for one purpose… to keep you alive. 

And for 99% of the time the male body has been adapting… 

It’s had to adapt in harsh and dangerous conditions. Where death was always knocking at the door. Crouched around every corner.  And the threat of starvation was a real thing… 

So your body is hardwired to still function as if you’re in a harsh and dangerous environment today. 

And not only that. But… 

Your body is designed for wild swings in food intake and physical activity…

And when you gain muscle or lose fat (or do the opposite) that’s your body’s hardwired survival system trying to keep you alive…

Your DNA still thinks it’s in the body of an ancient hunter.

Now if your life is anything like mine you probably haven’t tangled with a sabertooth tiger lately… or spent weeks wondering where your next meal is coming from…

The way you live… riding around in a car… getting groceries from the store… working at a cozy desk job or studying in the classroom… 

All of that is sending “mixed signals” to your body. Basically… 

There’s nothing telling your DNA that you need to “grow some muscle” in order to survive… because the environment is so easy going… 

And this explains the mystery of why muscle gains just suddenly stop for nearly everyone.

Because a steady routine of lifting weights and eating big might help you gain muscle at first… 

But before long your body gets confused and flat out refuses to get bigger.

Source: Damas F, Phillips S, Vechin FC, Ugrinowitsch C. A review of resistance training-induced changes in skeletal muscle protein synthesis and their contribution to hypertrophy. Sport Med. 2015;45(6):801-807. DOI: 10.1007/s40279-015-0320-0

This ancient anabolic adaptation switch that your hunter and gatherer ancestors relied on to build muscle and stay lean… and allowed them to escape predators and hunt massive buffalo or wooly mammoths… is switched “off”… 

But when you find out how to hack into your ancient DNA to activate this switch… 

So starting right now today…

You can actually flip this switch “on” without putting yourself in danger or anything like that… all it takes is borrowing a few simple hacks from the original athletic alpha males – our hunter ancestors. So keep reading…

Because once you use the scientifically proven muscle building hacks I share on this page…

It’ll be like hitting a “second puberty”. Because your blood naturally surges with a powerful concoction of anabolic hormones…  

Which makes gaining lean muscle as easy as making a few simple but powerful changes to your diet and training. But before I get there… 

You might be wondering… 

If almost no one knows about these anabolic adaptation switches, how did those meatheads at my gym get so big?

When you see a big, well developed guy there’s usually 3 reasons for it:

There’s a small percentage of guys that have an easy time putting on muscle. These guys probably follow an outdated bro split, eat as much or as little as they want, party all weekend… and still have a body stacked with muscle.

These guys are just what they seem like.. They’re freaks.

In fact, these are the guys that have caused all the misleading information in the fitness world… 

You see, most bodybuilders, powerlifters, and fitness models are genetic freaks. And the entire fitness industry has been promoting their workouts (or watered-down versions) and saying anyone can have those same kinds of gains… which just isn’t true… because most guys aren’t genetic freaks..

Sometimes you can get away with doing things the wrong way if you just stick with it for long enough…

So even if you don’t activate your anabolic adaptation switch…

If you keep plugging away… You keep adding weight to the bar… You follow a strict bodybuilding diet… 

You might gain a lb or two of muscle every few months.. if things go well.

But that’s a lot of work for slow results AND…

Some guys, especially us skinny hardgainer types, can go years without gains even though we’re supposedly doing everything right.

And believe it or not, there’s another surprising way guys end up getting big…

Guys often take advantage of this anabolic switch without realizing it. They accidentally trigger a natural cycle and get a surge of new muscle. 

The problem is… if they don’t know about the science behind it (which almost no one does) they won’t even know what caused their quick gains…  and they might not do it again for several months, years, or maybe ever…

But when you know how to tap into your hunter DNA… you can pull the lever every 2 weeks like clockwork.. and keep your body constantly piling on new muscle. These gains will be so fast, and you’ll build so much head turning muscle that you’ll feel sorry for the big guys that had to do it the hard way.

So, getting back to that research I found… 

There were several studies that followed an updated version of ancient hunters’ lifestyle patterns. And the idea was to trick their bodies into gaining muscle… and as a result…

Another study lasted 3 weeks and the participants again put on muscle without lifting any weights and… 

This time they took daily blood tests to see what was going on in their bodies. And they found a natural surge of testosterone, IGF-1, and insulin(2).  

And another study found a big bump in growth hormone(3).

These hormones which your body can produce naturally are the same ones that bodybuilders and top athletes inject themselves with to grow absurd amounts of muscle…

And that’s why this method is so powerful… 

Because once you unleash these same anabolic hormones in your bloodstream completely naturally… you’ll pack on muscle easily… 

And you won’t waste countless thousands of dollars like professional athletes… or break any laws to get it.

Because when you flip the switch and create this natural surge of anabolic hormones, something else happens…

Your body creates the perfect ratio of all these hormones for your exact body chemistry. Which is almost identical to what your body did during puberty. 

You see… the pros are actually guessing at how much of each hormone they need for best muscle growth. But…

In fact, in the studies I told you about earlier… 

When they tested the hormone concentrations… everyone had boosted levels of these powerful hormones… but they each had their own “mix”… like their body created a special concoction just for them.

The researchers even compared the results to someone “cycling” on and off steroid drugs… it’s THAT powerful… except it’s completely safe and natural. 

And I’m going to show you exactly how to do it a little further down the page. 

So after reading about all this stuff… I was pretty blown away and decided to give it a try.

So I went “all in”…

After just a few days my muscles had a full feeling and I got an insane pump from my workouts.

Only 2 weeks in and the scales tipped 8 lbs heavier.  A week later I also lost several lbs of body fat. 

I filled out my shirt sleeves, my chest and back were thicker and my shoulders looked like boulders. It’s like I gained fresh muscle mass every time I looked in the mirror after a shower…

I wasn’t even trying to get shredded… But all of a sudden my abs were really popping out.. And my midsection was chiseled. 

And I wasn’t the only one that noticed…

Cute gym girls that I always wanted to talk to (but were WAY out of my league before)… would just strike up conversations with me out of nowhere…

And the same buff dudes that treated me like trash before…  started giving me respectful nods. I got that “hey bro” vibe while I was loading up my weights instead of being “the invisible man”… 

I’m sure it helped that now I was lifting weights heavy enough to actually look like I belonged in a gym.

And with all those gains…  my motivation was at an all time high. Instead of grinding away for zero results I was getting more jacked by the day… 

So I kept going with the “hunter hacks” – resetting my anabolic adaptation switch every 2 weeks. And the gains kept coming…

Something else happened too… something I never could have imagined…

I had this amazing feeling of calmness all the time. 

Before I’d always been a fidgety, uneasy sort of person. And now I felt calm and confident. I really don’t know what caused it or why it happened… 

I can only guess that having these anabolic hormones coursing through my veins all the time… just gave me a natural, easy confidence – like I was on top of the world.

Other people started sensing it too… like even if a cute girl had her back to me and there’s no way she could see me… she would just turn around all of a sudden and give me a big smile. It’s like she could smell it on me or something.. 

Even guys seemed to pick up on it… like they knew when I was about to come around the corner…

And there’s these scientific studies that say exactly that. I know it sounds voodoo or something, but you’ll love it when it happens to you too(4).

Here’s where things got really crazy. Because…

Up to this point no one had seen me with my shirt off. 

But that changed one Sunday afternoon when I got together with some friends…

We were at a neighborhood park playing Ultimate Frisbee. There were lots of people picnicking and enjoying the weather. 

And it was so hot…  it didn’t take long before we worked up a good sweat and guys started taking their shirts off. I was sweating buckets so I was glad to lose my T and cool down.

As I walked over to the sidelines and took off my shirt I had this strange feeling like “all eyes are on me”…

My buddies started making jokes like “Whoah, it’s Mr. Universe!”..

A group of cute girls nearby started looking at each other and giggling..

Even crazier is the science shows this can happen to any guy… even YOU. 

It’s literally programmed in your DNA to respond to this anabolic adaptation switch. 

And it doesn’t matter how skinny you are now… or how much you’ve struggled in the past…  

Just by doing something that goes against the usual muscle building advice – you can build years worth of muscle in a matter of weeks. And I want to show you exactly how to do it too.

Primal Gains is the first done-for-you training and nutrition system that flips on your anabolic adaptation switch… packs on mounds of dense muscle… carves up your midsection… and beats the hell out of your “skinny guy demons”… so you can step into the body and life you desire and deserve.

The Primal Gains Main Manual takes you by the hand and shows you how to flood your body with muscle building hormones by activating your anabolic adaptation switch. 

There’s no guesswork or figuring things out for yourself… you get the straight goods for building a physique that men respect and women crave, and you find out how to keep it for the rest of your life…

Inside you’ll discover how to reset your body into an anabolic state every 2 weeks. You’ll move non-stop toward your goal of becoming a super male. 

You’ll find out why these ancient hunter hacks are actually a return to the way you were meant to live… In tune with your DNA… and how using them will completely change your life…

Plus, you get the Primal Physique System that shapes your body for the most dominant look, so you stand out even among other muscular guys!

Every alpha hunter has earned the right to feast..

Primal Gains Phase I – The Feast shows you how to use food to create a natural, healthy, and safe alternative to a steroid cycle. Fill your muscles with energy to fuel your workouts and get the anabolic cocktail that brings permanent muscle growth (not temporary pumps).

Forget tupperware containers full of chicken and broccoli. Eat like a king while building head turning slabs of muscle.

When you’re not feasting… you’re hunting.

Primal Gains Phase II – The Hunt shows you how to create an anabolic fat loss cycle that will get you ripped faster than anything else you’ve tried. Even if you have naturally low body fat, this phase will take your muscularity to another level.

The hunt also acts as an anabolic primer – preparing your body for a surge of nearly overnight muscle growth.

Ancient hunter meets bodybuilding scientist.

These workouts are specifically designed to take advantage of the powerful body chemistry created by your anabolic adaptation switches…

Unlike bro splits or watered-down powerlifter routines, these workouts get every bit of growth out of your muscles with the least amount of gym time. Hit all your fiber types with the perfect lifting tempo. And pump even more anabolic juice through your veins by following the Primal Mass Loading Sequence. 

I’ve also included exercises (with alternatives), sets, reps, and rest times. Just show up… and watch your sleeves fill up before your eyes.

The alpha hunter is ripped.. And you will be too…

These workouts are designed to melt fat and bring out your muscular physique better than anything else you can find on the market.

Traditional cardio is slow, barely effective, and it ages your body. Popular HIIT workouts are better for fat loss but… they deplete your energy systems and burn a lot of muscle along with the fat.

Primal Shred workouts hit the sweet spot giving you insane fat loss and deep cuts in the shortest time without wear and tear on your body.

And if you’re a skinny hardgainer you’ll feel like you hit the lottery…

You won’t be spinning your wheels following mainstream programs that are outdated… and just leave you pissed-off and frustrated when you look in the mirror . 

Or follow cookie-cutter routines that only work for genetic freaks and guys on the juice… 

Or have to track your meals and be the “buzz kill” in your group of friends because you used up all your macros for the day…   

You won’t have to be patient and wait for “realistic” muscle gains of just a few lbs per month (if you’re lucky) like every other guy… 

Or drain your bank account with half a dozen supplements that do nothing more than give you expensive urine…

Because at the end of the day…

All of that is complete waste of time when your natural anabolic switch is off.

But starting right now today…

When you sign up for the Primal Gains program…

From the beginning of your first all-natural anabolic cycle…  

You’ll blow away all the other guys at the gym and look like a beast in a short amount of time… 

Because by simply tapping into your ancient DNA your body will surge with your own custom stack of anabolic hormones.  

This is literally the first, oldest, and most natural way that guys put on muscle… from thousands of years before the fitness industry existed…  

And when you follow this groundbreaking new program backed by the latest muscle-building research… using this crazy effective ancient technique that pulls the anabolic trigger in your body…

You’ll pack on jaw dropping muscle mass and shed layers of fat at the same time… and you’ll do it so much faster than the norm… and faster than most guys think is possible without using steroids. Plus… 

Activating this anabolic switch is about so much more than building an incredible physique… 

Because once you switch it on it’s like broadcasting an invisible attraction signal to women… that subconsciously makes them find you irresistible…

And this same switch sends messages to other guys that you’re an alpha… the kind of guy that deserves respect… that no one should mess with… some guys will even have a sense of fear around you… 

And I promise no other workout program or supplement can offer that to you.

Ever since I transformed my own body by triggering my anabolic adaptation switch using this very program…  

I’ve been obsessed with helping as many guys as possible get the life changing results they desire and deserve… 

That’s why I’ve got a special opportunity for you on this page only.

This is a brand new strategy for getting jacked as fast as possible. And honestly when I tell guys about it… they think it’s too good to be true.

But that’s why I’m looking for 200 guys who are willing to try out the online version of this program and prove it’s the real deal… 

Guys who will give this program everything they’ve got and give me their real life testimonials about their experience… 

And because you’re still reading… 

I firmly believe you’re one of the guys who I can trust to test drive the online version of this program and send me a testimonial about how it transformed your physique and your life.

So here’s what I’m gonna do… 

I’m going to give away the first 200 copies of my program for a limited time price.. so low that you’d have to be almost crazy to pass it up. Now… 

And that would still be a steal for what it can do to change your body and your life in just a matter of weeks.

I would have gladly paid 10x that amount… and so would the guys I’ve put through this program…

And if I was still available to train you personally you would have to pay that same amount for a single session.

But you won’t pay anywhere near that. In fact… 

I won’t even charge you half that. 

When you sign up for Primal Gains on this page only… for the limited-time new release discount… and while I’m searching for the first 200 guys to give me testimonials…

Which is cheaper than a tub of protein powder or buying some junk testosterone booster that won’t help you get anywhere near the gains this program will.

Just one payment and Primal Gains is yours for life…

And with how many times you’ll go through this program it’ll come out to just pennies per use. So this is the opportunity of a lifetime, man. 

All you have to do next is… 

One Time Only Payment for Lifetime Access. Backed By Our 60-Days Money Back Guarantee

The Primal Gains Program is provided to you instantly in digital format in a link sent to you by Clickbank. It can be accessed worldwide, regardless of location. All books and materials can be easily viewed on mobiles, tablets, laptops etc.

This price is a one-off fee with no recurring payments. You’ll get lifetime access.

After you click that button you’ll be taken to a secure checkout page where you can complete your order.

And once that’s done you’ll gain instant access to Primal Gains… 

And that’s not all. See… 

I really want to give you as much value as possible when you become one of the first 200 guys to join the Primal Gains tribe… 

That’s why when you claim your copy of the program you’ll also get…

Jump into your first anabolic adaptation cycle today.

Primal Gains Jumpstart is your shortcut to the Primal Gains program. 

This quick guide tells you exactly what to do right now to get into your first all natural anabolic cycle. Don’t worry about how or why it works.. We’ll get to that later. Follow these straight-forward instructions and watch your body change before your eyes.

Take your gains to the next level with the Primal Gains Supplement Guide

Supplements alone won’t transform your body BUT…  some supplements taken at the right time, in the right doses, can turbocharge the gains from your natural anabolic cycles.

This guide also breaks down all the popular, heavily promoted supplements that do nothing but drain your bank account.

Recovery is one third of the formula for getting a jacked physique, but… 

Most guys don’t know a thing about it…

Recovery is the reason star athletes are now dominating in their 30s and later… and you can use it to slap mounds of dense, hard muscle on your frame while staying lean.

Unlike pro athletes you don’t need million dollar facilities to recover and build your body to the level of an alpha male.

To make sure you’re confident placing your trust in me I’d like to offer you my 60-day Primal Gains guarantee.

60 days is enough time for you to complete 2 full anabolic adaptation cycles and see if it’s right for you. If for any reason you don’t feel like this program worked just send me an email and you’ll get 100% of your money back right away…

This way you have nothing to lose while you grab the program at this special limited time price.

So, here’s what I suggest, purchase the program now, and decide later if you want it. This way you get the new release discount price and still get to try it out risk-free.

One Time Only Payment for Lifetime Access. Backed By Our 60-Days Money Back Guarantee

The Primal Gains Program is provided to you instantly in digital format in a link sent to you by Clickbank. It can be accessed worldwide, regardless of location. All books and materials can be easily viewed on mobiles, tablets, laptops etc.

This price is a one-off fee with no recurring payments. You’ll get lifetime access.

You can keep living your life as a puny little runt…

Ignored by the kind of women you’re attracted to… 

Pushed around by bigger guys who make you look like a little pip-squeak…

With no physical presence or charisma… 

Letting other guys hog all the glory…

You can keep doing everything you’ve been doing… 

Struggle through life with your anabolic adaptation switch set to “OFF”…

Maybe you’ll follow the routines posted by the bros on Reddit…

Or try copying the workouts of a popular Instagram influencer… 

And staring at the mirror day after day frustrated that you aren’t getting any bigger… 

Angry with yourself because you know it’s 100% on YOU that you didn’t take the opportunity in front of you right here and now. 

If you choose this route I wish you the best on your journey.

But because you’re still reading… 

I don’t think that’s you… 

You’re the guy that’s gonna take the best option. And that’s…

You can take your life into your own hands once and for all…

Do what it takes to go from being on the bottom to being on top…

With attractive women fighting each other to get your attention…

Fitness buffs and meatheads wanting to be your friend…

And you’ll finally feel like a man in a man’s body instead of a man trapped in a little boy’s body.

All it takes is 8 short weeks to get this handled for good…

And you’ll finally squash your skinny demons by flipping on your anabolic adaptation switch…

And tap into your hunter DNA…

So you can slap on mounds of dense, hard, alpha male muscle… easily and automatically… instead of fighting an uphill battle…

And get the attention and respect you deserve.

But remember… you need to act fast… 

So act now to get started building a life changing physique and never look back.

One Time Only Payment for Lifetime Access. Backed By Our 60-Days Money Back Guarantee

The Primal Gains Program is provided to you instantly in digital format in a link sent to you by Clickbank. It can be accessed worldwide, regardless of location. All books and materials can be easily viewed on mobiles, tablets, laptops etc.

This price is a one-off fee with no recurring payments. You’ll get lifetime access.

Primal Gains is a men’s body transformation program based on a scientific breakthrough that taps into your ancient hunter DNA. It uses training and diet phases that switch your body into a natural anabolic cycle to gain muscle and lose fat as quickly as possible.

When you follow the instructions you could easily gain 15+lbs of muscle in 8 weeks while losing body fat.

I strongly recommend this program to guys who want to increase muscle size and lose fat in the fastest time without using steroids or other dangerous drugs.

This program is laid out specifically for men and will not produce the same results for women

Guys who are on steroids should not use this program because they won’t get the hormone response. If you’ve used steroids in the past you can use Primal Gains as soon as your natural hormone production is back to normal.

Guys who cannot follow simple instructions and stick with a program for 8 weeks should not get Primal Gains.

If you feel the program hasn’t worked for you I will refund your money without any questions. Just send me an email and I’ll return your payment right away.

This is different for everyone. Personally, I used Primal Gains to pack on another 15 lbs of solid muscle after I thought I was at my natural limit.

Yes this program boosts strength because of increased testosterone and other muscle building hormones. The workouts included with the program are great for strength as well as quick gains in muscle size.

Yes, in fact some guys do better. You’ll be amazed how quickly your body changes when you stop fighting against your ancient DNA and flip on your natural anabolic switch.

It’s also backed by my 60 day guarantee, so there’s no risk to you.

When you click “add to cart” you’ll be immediately taken to a secure 128-bit encrypted checkout page. Enter your details and within minutes you’ll have everything you need to get started building a life transforming physique. 

Looking forward to having you in our Primal Gains family!

One Time Only Payment for Lifetime Access. Backed By Our 60-Days Money Back Guarantee

The Primal Gains Program is provided to you instantly in digital format in a link sent to you by Clickbank. It can be accessed worldwide, regardless of location. All books and materials can be easily viewed on mobiles, tablets, laptops etc.

This price is a one-off fee with no recurring payments. You’ll get lifetime access.

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Primal Gains is backed with a 60 Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee. If within the first 60 days of receipt you are not satisfied with Wake Up Lean™, you can request a refund by sending an email to the address given inside the product and we will immediately refund your entire purchase price, with no questions asked.

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