Wealth Trigger 360 – Dr. Joe Vitale and Dr. Steve G. Jones

Product Name: Wealth Trigger 360 – Dr. Joe Vitale and Dr. Steve G. Jones

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Wealth Trigger 360 – Dr. Joe Vitale and Dr. Steve G. Jones is backed with a 60 Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee. If within the first 60 days of receipt you are not satisfied with Wake Up Lean™, you can request a refund by sending an email to the address given inside the product and we will immediately refund your entire purchase price, with no questions asked.


From Dr. Joe Vitale,
Star of The Secret
Author of 30+ Books On Wealth And Abundance

Have you ever asked yourself, “What would a millionaire do, right now, in my shoes?”

“How would a millionaire turn my situation into a success?”

When it feels like you’re spinning your wheels… when the struggle is alive and strong… even when you’re quietly convinced you and wealth will never know one another… it’s the thought that some millionaire could step in and make some money magic happen that both bothers you… and yet pushes you forward.

I’ve been on both sides. Earlier in life, I was dead-broke and unable to make any forward progress. Now, and for 30 years, I’ve been a millionaire, a well-researched expert on the millionaire mind, with decades of hands-on experience making wealth happen.

Today I want to give you the mind of that millionaire who already knows the fastest and easiest way to lead you to wealth.

The secret is in an unorthodox, yet scientifically-understood mind technology built on very simple truths we’d all agree on.

You can think of it like “reprogramming” your mind for wealth, “rewiring” your brain for wealth-on-demand.

Give me 5 minutes of your time, let me prove it to you, and I think you’ll easily “get it,” just like those who have already started.

Let’s quickly break it down:

The millionaire’s mind is MUCH more than a head full of practical wealth blueprints, tricks, tactics, and strategies.

The source of a millionaire mind’s power to create wealth comes from a fusion of 4 powers: Mental power, intuitive power, emotional power, and soulful power

The kind of millionaire you want to be has these 4 powers deeply set in their millionaire’s mind. It’s the kind of millionaire who can jump into your shoes and make your path to wealth a reality in your life.

And if you want it for yourself, the “millionaire mind hack” I’m giving you today can hand you this millionaire mind.

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Let me just say it: I know the ins and outs of the millionaire mind like very few do. I made it my mission in life to “share the wealth.” From my own experience, my 30 years of research, surrounded by an inner circle of astonishing millionaire minds, I can lay it all out for you, piece by piece.

But I can’t reach into your mind and replace it with a millionaire’s mind.

So I partnered with a man who’s devoted his life to doing just that. I’m happy to call him a friend and colleague.

Dr. Steve G. Jones has made a name for himself as a wizard of mental transformations

He holds a masters in Cognitive Psychology and a PhD in Education. He is considered the world’s foremost expert on Hypnotherapy with 25 years of hands-on experience, a master at Neurolinguistic Programming (NLP), a best-selling author, and a man with volumes of success stories.

But he’s not your ordinary hypnotherapist, or NLP expert, or cognitive psychologist. He’s a man devoted to the cutting-edge protocols that help individuals like you transform their mind into the mind they desire, in the easiest, most effective way possible.

We teamed up to create something I’m very proud of.

If you want to rapidly reprogram your mind into the millionaire’s mind, you must put your conscious and subconscious mind into a place where it has no choice but to change.

You must fully immerse yourself in the millionaire’s mind.

And the science behind the brain shows us that a full immersion experience is, hands down, the fastest path to make significant transformation.

A woman decides she wants to live in Japan for a year. She doesn’t speak any Japanese.

She was likely very intimidated with the task of learning the language. She might have felt like she wasn’t up to the task. Not a natural language learner.

And yet, at the end of that year, she’s speaking nearly fluent Japanese.

It’s a basic survival instinct. It’s sink or swim. And in those moments, our minds can accomplish incredible feats.

You also see it in military bootcamps, language immersion elementary schools, even the prestigious Cornell University has a mandated full immersion business training.

The research is extensive: Over 40 research papers have been published supporting the power of full immersion techniques. Universities like Harvard, Cambridge, George Washington University, and MIT have devoted resources to studying, exploring, and evaluating full immersion training.

And using this core science, fused with Dr. Steve’s 7 reprogramming protocols and my millionaire’s mind blueprint, I am so proud to give you Wealth Trigger 360.

First, like all examples of full immersion, you’re going to be immersed in the millionaire’s mind morning, noon, and night… all day exposure. Yet, you’ll hardly notice it’s happening

Wealth Trigger 360 is a breakthrough system that you can use even as you’re living your everyday life.

To do this, Dr. Steve’s using 7 core protocols embedded in the 36 millionaire-mind audio reprogramming sessions.

One session for the morning, one session for the daytime, and one session before you go to bed.

All you do is put on headphones and press play. The technology does the rest. Now let’s look at how:

As I laid out before, giving you the fusion of the mental, intuitive, emotional, and soulful powers found inside the millionaire’s mind is what will give you the results I’m promising.

This is how you will be able to look at your life with new eyes, with millionaire’s eyes, to find the right path to wealth, stay on course, move without much thought or effort, driven by passion and meaning.

This is what I bring to the table. This is what I brought to Dr. Steve, and what he used to develop the entire full immersion mind reprogramming protocol.

Let me explain what you’d look like with these four powers inside the millionaire’s mind:

Now, let’s look at the protocols Dr. Steve uses to make that happen:

NLP is a powerhouse, and Dr. Steve is not only a master, but he teaches other masters how to get the full power out of it.

NLP is a remarkable discovery used by governments, law enforcement, therapists, and speakers to access the deepest parts of a person’s subconscious mind.

Through extensive research, researchers identified specific, targeted language patterns that can be used to bypass the conscious mind’s barriers.

These are the barriers that can block the conscious and subconscious parts of your brain from evolving and changing in a positive way.

Dr. Steve took the four powers of the millionaire I laid out for him, and wove each element into NLP commands that bypass your conscious and subconscious blocks. It’s like telling your mind what to do… and your mind actually doing it.

While relaxing meditations yield surprising benefits by themselves, the type of guided meditation used in Wealth Trigger 360 has two goals:

First, the focal meditations gently bring your mind the prime mental space needed for optimal full immersion.

Second, because the meditations induce a relaxed state, the blueprint of the millionaire’s mind has an easier time embedding directly into your mind.

When fused with the other protocols, this focal meditation process works its magic even when traditional guided meditations might have failed you in the past.

The result? A relaxed body and mind optimally receptive to the full immersion reprogramming process.

Persistent exposure to the same words, the same phrases, and the same ideas automatically rewires your brain and implants a new language into your mind, without you trying.

It’s like getting a song stuck in your head, except it doesn’t fade.

The formula is simple: the more repetition, the deeper the reprogramming.

Affirmative Repetition is a critical tool that your wealth reprogramming stick in your mind… and stay. Just like the catchy song you can’t get out of your head.

As you move about your day, you will hear the same wealth principles on repeat, over and over again…

And your mind, especially your subconscious barriers, will be unable to stop them.

The masters of hypnotherapy, NLP, and cognitive psychology have discovered a simple truth: no matter how different we all are individually, the path in and out of the all-powerful subconscious is the same in all of us.

The breakthrough happened when these masters found that path in and out of the subconscious mind.

When you embed the millionaire-mind blueprint into hypnotic reprogramming, it gently forces your mind to comply.

There are five steps to the hypnotic reprogramming process:

1. Induction: This is the beginning of the audio reprogramming sequence that uses simple subconscious instructions to prepare your mind for the reprogramming process

2. Deepening: This section uses advanced hypnotic and NLP suggestions to bring your conscious mind to a standstill and opens access to your subconscious mind

3. Reprogramming: This is the meat of the transformational process. This is where specific ideas, habits, techniques, knowledge, and perspectives you want to program into your mind are implanted directly into your receptive subconscious mind (your conscious mind cannot interfere)

4. Amnesia: This uses simple hypnotic language to erase any chance your mind tries to remember what it received. Our minds are powerful beasts… and they try hard to break into our experiences and “debunk” it all. Through the Amnesia process, your conscious mind will never have access

5. Trance Termination: At the very end, you are safely guided out of the reprogramming trance and reintegrated with your conscious mind.

With the hypnotic reprogramming, you can access parts of your mind no other technique can achieve.

When modern scientists began researching entrainment and the brain, they discovered something spectacular…

Our brains are running at different electromagnetic frequencies.

These frequencies, measured in hertz (Hz), correspond to every single state your brain functions in.

So, for example, when we’re in a deep sleep, our brains are vibrating at very low Hz (the Delta frequency range).

When our brains are in an expansive creative state, they are vibrating in the Alpha frequency range.

When our brains are hyperactive, focused, and on point, they are vibrating in the Beta frequency range.

Brain Entrainment “forces” your brain into any one of the optimal states found in these different brainwave frequencies. The scientific principle simply says that a larger force has a great impact on the smaller force.

An example in nature is when larger cloud formations “force” smaller systems to spin at the same speed and direction.

We achieve this in your brain using specially formulated sound frequencies (binaural beats, isochronic tones, etc.). When you listen to these frequencies, your brain “entrains” itself to that frequency.

… and voila! You are now in the sharp, focused, and active state of mind you were seeking.

Inside the hypnotic reprogramming audios Dr. Steve created, he uses different types of brain entrainment frequencies to literally force your brain to enter the optimal state for subconscious reprogramming.

Brain Entrainment helps guide your mind into the optimal state of reprogramming, even if your mind is struggling to hold you back.

Recent discoveries in brain entrainment research have uncovered a series of six very low brainwave frequencies that are simply more potent than others.

The Solfeggio frequencies have their roots in the study of medieval monks.

However, modern research has found out exactly how they’re so effective.

Take a look at the image below:

This is what happens to water molecules when exposed to the Solfeggio frequencies.

Complex symmetry… a union of all the molecules to form a harmonious whole. Imagine what would happen in your brain…

Research has shown that these six ancient frequencies have six unique effects across the board. Specifically:

396 Hz – aids in the process of liberating you from the tremendous burden of guilt and fear

417 Hz – allows you to heighten your mind’s ability to undo damaging situations and facilitate conscious and subconscious change

528 Hz – is quite mysterious, but has shown to facilitate the process of whole-being transformation and even stimulating DNA repair

639 Hz – heightens your ability to build deep, meaningful, and advantageous relationships with others. It is the social frequency

741 Hz – can open up emotionally closed or blocked individuals, liberating their vital ability to express themselves

852 Hz – has shown results in giving you greater access to spiritual experience and transformation

Solfeggio Entrainment not only brings your mind into the optimal reprogramming state, but it also works its own powers to transform your mind.

Using wealth scripts amplified with Neurolinguistic Programming and Brain Entrainment with Solfeggio Frequencies, the start to your day’s full immersion involves a specifically designed script that begins to bring your mind deep into immersion experience.

Using simple calming techniques along with specially-designed brain entrainment, this morning audio session will calm your mind, relax your body, and begin the process of wealth recalibration.

Fuse the meditation element with Dr. Steve’s scripts containing the millionaire mind wealth blueprint, and you have

And while this on its own can have positive results, the primary goal is to “set the tone” for your body and mind throughout the rest of the day’s Full Immersion Wealth Reprogramming.

Every moment you can, you should have these playing in headphones or on speakers.

You don’t have to pay attention for it to work. It does its task whether you think about it or not.

This session has the same enhanced script as the Morning Immersion Activation, and the consistency between the reprogramming sessions ties together the full immersion experience.

Instead of just simple “do this, do that… think this, think that” training, this script is fused with elements like Neurolinguistic Programming to access and rewire both your subconscious and conscious mind.

During the morning and the day sessions of the Full Immersion Wealth Reprogramming, both your conscious and subconscious mind are soaking in these money-making techniques and principles at every moment.

But the secret lies in this hypnotic “setting” process.

Think of it like Crazy Glue.

As soon as you attach two objects with the glue, they begin to stick.

But it’s the setting process that solidifies and makes the bond rock solid.

This hypnotic reprogramming does the same thing.

And research from universities like Stanford… plus thousands of success stories… prove it works.

You will put on these uniquely formulated self-hypnosis sessions right as you’re going to bed.

You will be taken into a trance where the same principles you were digesting during the morning and daytime, are implanted deep within your subconscious mind so they don’t escape.

It “sets” these critical wealth principles deep into your mind… and you wake up the next day changed.

The list below me paints a picture. I know the “before” might seem a bit extreme. You might say “that’s not me!” as our lives and situations are all different. However, if you look and relate to each one, you’ll end up seeing that we can often relate more than we’d like to admit.

The most universal part is what comes after…

I’m offering you immense opportunity today. Opportunity I wish I had when I was climbing the ladder to fortune. But I’m also giving you immense value.

Let me put it in perspective:

On top of that… I’m giving you the Millionaire Mind’s blueprint. How much do you think that’s worth?

So what’s your investment today?

Nothing more, ever. All yours. Ready to go. Just press play.

I’ve had the opportunity to sit down and pick the brain of outrageously successful, enlightened individuals.

And I want to give you two of them today if you say yes.

I’ve been doing interviews for years now, but sometimes I get to interview someone who blows my mind – who inspires me beyond all others.

That’s what happened with Bill Bartmann. You’ll get to listen as I interview Bill Bartmann, a self-made billionaire.

How do you go from being a fourteen year old boy on the streets to billionaire?

That’s one of the questions I asked Bill. And his answer inspires and informs in a new way that will touch your heart and rouse your spirit.

I really related to Bill. Partly because I was homeless myself decades ago and could relate to his struggles.

But I also related to Bill because he achieved the status of being a handful of the world’s billionaires – something I’m ready to achieve next.

In this amazing interview Bill and I discuss:

Bill talks about his mission to help teenagers, to help businesses succeed, and more. Bill is sincere. He’s been around the block, chased up trees, and struggled to make it.

But he did it. His insights, life lessons, and secrets will help you, too.

This interview is gold. And you’ll get free instant access as soon as you say yes to Wealth Trigger 360.

When I was struggling in the late 70’s and early 80’s, one of the things that pulled me up and gave me hope and direction was Arnold Patent’s best-selling book, You Can Have It All.

Oprah made a big deal of the book. So did national magazines. So did book buyers, who made it a best-seller.

While the book inspired me, it also confused me. I wasn’t ready for it at the time.

That’s why it’s an honor and a treat, a special moment for me to be able to publicly thank him for his book and his mentorship.

Arnold Patent was an attorney and businessman for 25 years.

His core beliefs never meshed well with the contention inherent in practicing law, and this disconnect helped launch him on a spiritual and personal development journey that has changed many lives.

Arnold is today in his eighties but still writing and teaching. I was lucky to find him and even luckier to get this interview with him

You’ll love this interview with Arnold. He said some wise and in-depth things about life and business.

His thoughts about the only purpose for money will make you stop and think.

Yours to have when you sign up today.

Both Dr. Steve and I have devoted our lives to the success of good people like yourself. And we both know deep down that no one hat fits all (although we get very close).

So we live by a simple pledge: We will remove any and all risk from this decision.

We will offer you a solid, no-questions-asked, 60-day money-back guarantee.

You have a full 60
days to jump in and dig in. If you aren’t completely satisfied, you can easily ask for your money back, no questions asked. No hassle, no fuss… no risk.

Your own millionaire’s mind is waiting for you.

No more asking “what would a millionaire do?”

All you need to do is click the button below.

You get the entire full-immersion reprogramming system inside Wealth Trigger 360. You get the free interview with rags-to-billionaire Bill Bartmann. You get the free interview with legend Arnold Patent. You get a risk-free 60-day guarantee.

I invite you to join us today. Click the button below to get started.

My friend, I wish you only the best. And I sincerely hope to see you inside.

P.S. How far will you get if you don’t have the millionaire’s mind? How far do you think you can get?

I would never have arrived at the wealth, abundance, and joy I have today if I didn’t make that critical decision to jump in, fully immerse myself in the millionaire secrets and success principles that made me who I am today.

Who knows, maybe I’d still be sleeping on the steps of that Post Office in Texas.

Without this, it will be a long road, my friend. It will be hard. Yes, you can do it. I did it.

But why put in the years of time, effort, and struggle that I did, when all you have to do is say “yes” today… without any risk?

P.P.S. I can imagine it might all feel too good to be true. Can you really have the millionaire’s mind blueprint implanted in your head? The science is there, the proof is there, but it might seem too good to be true.

That’s why I’m letting you have full access completely risk free. You have a full 60 days to test-drive and see if I live up to my promises.

If not, simply let me know, and you keep the entire program, the two wild bonus interviews… and get a complete refund. No questions asked.

I want to be clear: you will see results as soon as you begin the protocols, but this is not an overnight flip of the switch.

Yes, it’s virtually effortless for you (you literally just push a button and jump in). Yes, it’s proven to produce results faster than any other method. And yes, it’s absolutely as close as you can get to a “magic pill.”

But, as you can imagine, the millionaire’s mind is not about a short list of improvements. Developing that fusion of the four core powers of wealth creation has many parts.

However, we’ve crafted a way where you CAN see results as soon as tomorrow. Results you can use right away. Results that can offer you tangible changes in your life… that can push you in the right direction towards the wealth you want.


Click here to get Wealth Trigger 360 – Dr. Joe Vitale and Dr. Steve G. Jones at discounted price while it’s still available…

All orders are protected by SSL encryption – the highest industry standard for online security from trusted vendors.

Wealth Trigger 360 – Dr. Joe Vitale and Dr. Steve G. Jones is backed with a 60 Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee. If within the first 60 days of receipt you are not satisfied with Wake Up Lean™, you can request a refund by sending an email to the address given inside the product and we will immediately refund your entire purchase price, with no questions asked.

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