Seven Stages of the Spiritual Journey

Product Name: Seven Stages of the Spiritual Journey

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[There is another way of knowing that is
beyond thinking and book-learning]

Spiritual Journey is not a journey in space.

is not a physical journey from one place to another
[like from earth to heaven].

is not a journey in time, which means that you
do not have to wait until after death to explore it.

is not an object that is to be attained – it is
not an idea or some subtle form that you have to

spiritual journey is the journey from ignorance to self-knowledge.

is available right here, right now and it is
what you already are yet you do not realize it.

Hello, My name is
James Traverse

I have been actively involved with yoga
study, teaching and practice for over 40 years. I have been blessed
with connecting to many teachers who have helped me along the way, yet
the one person who I call my teacher was a musicologist, medical
doctor and sage named Jean Klein. Jean Klein helped me understand the
true nondual nature of being via experience. He did this with his
Presence and somewhat with his words. I had studied yoga with B K S
Iyengar for many years and I had explored the teachings of folks like
J. Krishnamurti, Atmananda Krishna Menon, Ramana Maharshi,
Nisargadatta Maharaj and many others but only Jean Klein’s approach
truly helped me understand all of these teachings.

Together all four parts correspond to the Om Symbol

– the Layers of Meaning of Om is explained throughout this material.

The Buddha clearly understood the need for
Insight and Personal experience that is beyond the limitations of the
thinking mind.

Thus the Buddha taught Vipassana
Meditation, or Insight Meditation because it is based on

Magical, Paradigm-Shifting and Terrifying, the spiritual
awakening journey is at the core of every human’s quest for freedom,
love, and happiness.

unveiling your Authentic Being, you will discover how to experience
the joy, liberation, and peace that you have been searching for all

RightClick the images for a larger view.

The material uses the metaphor of a whirlpool
to represent the Flow of life and the Form called your bodymind.

As you explore this
metaphor you will see that throughout the material there are over 30 exercises and experiments that help
you to make the understanding experiential rather than just

The exercises guide you
in ways whereby what are called ‘AhA!’
moments flower, yet they do not stop there as you continue your
journey you turn
your ‘AhA!’ moments into ‘WoW’s!’ by applying
the understanding in your life and see that it works, because
that is experiential understanding!

As you explore this experiential
approach you quickly discover that you cannot come to
the understanding of your true nature via the activity of your
thinking-reasoning mind, yet you also realize that the
thinking-reasoning mind can confirm the understanding once it has been
understood via experience.

All the forces of Life are Living Answers –

Health, Peace, Love, Joy, Power, Beauty, Wisdom…

Out of Body and Near
Death Experiences

are Much More Common than Reported –

Part of the Problem is that these, Psychic Powers

and things like Reincarnation
aren’t Correctly Understood!

The Insights of the Seven Stages of the Spiritual Journey

Clarify These Experiences.

The Spiritual Journey is The Way Home!

I’ll tell you the
introductory price in just a moment but first let me share a brief story
that is symbolic of this approach of experiential understanding – don’t
worry, it’s affordable.

This story takes place
on a very cold winter day and a homeowner is experiencing a serious
problem because his heating system, which is a furnace in the basement
of his house, is not functioning properly. The homeowner has tried
everything he knows to get the furnace working properly but he has
failed to get it working at all; he is very concerned because the
temperature is below freezing and it is possible that water pipes may
break and cause extensive damage to his home.

The homeowner calls a
furnace repairman.

The homeowner is
somewhat surprised at the amount of the bill because the repairman only
took a few minutes to fix the furnace; yet he is quite happy that the
furnace is now working and that he has avoided more severe problems. He
says to the furnace repairmen, “Would you mind giving me an itemized
bill?” The furnace repairman says, “No problem – I’ll be back shortly.”

The furnace repairman
goes out to his van and quickly returns with the itemized bill. The
homeowner double-checks that the furnace is running well and pays the
furnace repairman who then leaves.

The homeowner looks at
the itemized bill that the furnace repairman gave him – it says:

This approach of
Insight via experiential understanding is much like the story of the
homeowner and the furnace repairman [who knows via experience]. The
material I share with you is a means of experiential self-knowledge,
which is akin to ‘knowing which screw to adjust’ as in the
story above – in this case that ‘screw’ is Insight.

One last thing before I
share the price with you and that is that although this material can
benefit everyone it is not for everyone, because you have to do you part
in helping me share self-knowledge with you. This means that I cannot
tell you what the true nature of your being is [I can tell you but it
will not have any meaning unless and until you have had the experience]
and that means that it is necessary for you to explore the exercises and
the rest of the material such that your understanding is experiential.
In this way you make the
understanding your own and then you will no
longer need my guidance. In this light I ask that you only get this
material if you are willing to explore it fully – I can assure you that
it is not what you think, because its nature is beyond thinking.

Please understand that
the price may increase as this is an introductory price that is
available as long as you are seeing this page. I
reserve the right to remove this offer and/or adjust the price as
I can only work  with a limited number of people at a time. In
order to make this material available to the vast majority of people, I
have made it affordable without compromising quality AND

Stages of the Spiritual Journey is a complete work that
does not need anything else to prop it up. Yet my 40 years of continuous
yoga practice makes me want to share with you a few other things like
the correct translation of Ramana Maharshi’s ‘Who Am I?’ – very few
people know what Ramana Maharsh meant by what he called ‘Atma Vichara’ –
most people think it is a question  that requires a mental answer,
yet  it is other than that – the correct translation is just
one page, yet it makes a huge difference in your Spiritual Journey.
Nisarga Yoga and  Yoga Nidra are included – these are products that
can be and have been sold independently. I’ll also include a surprise
bonus or two. 

ps – This approach
provides information about the nature of being, yet its core is about
facilitating Insight via the information, exercises and experiments. The
difference between intellectual understanding and the experiential
understanding accessible via this approach is the difference
between seeing with the mind
[intellectual] and seeing through the
mind [experiential]. This is truly life changing.

pps – Is your
understanding of the true nature of being an intellectual understanding
or is it experiential understanding? The vast majority of human being
understand the true nature of being via intellectual understanding,
which means that their understanding is conceptual and since the concept
of a thing is not the thing itself, their lives are full of conflict and
suffering. On the other hand sages have an experiential understanding of
the true nature of being and use intellectual understanding only for
functional purposes; thus for sages there is an ease
of being – which one are you?

This material is for those who want
experiential understanding via Insight

How to Know

You cannot make
knowledge out of the true nature of being, yet it can be experienced.

In this light the way
to Know Thyself is via experiential understanding, and that is
a way of knowing that is different than knowing via the content and
activity of the mind – because it is the way of Insight.

The approach of Seven
Stages of the Spiritual Journey is to describe the situation and
to come to the solution of the question ‘How to Know Thyself’ 
via Insight that is fostered by exploring the exercises and

Can you give an
example of experiential understanding?

Yes – Consider the
question, ‘What is Time?’

Time is an elegant
concept that describes experience. The experience is true yet the
description, the concept, is not the thing itself.

Time [psychological
time] is a concept as the description and measure of motion that is
experienced as constant change. An analogy that helps with the
understanding of time is a ship traveling at a constant speed in the
open ocean. The place where the ship has been, the wake, is called the
past, the place where the ship is yet to go is called the future, and
the ship’s current position is called now. In this way what is called
the past, present and future are descriptions of the ship’s position and

The experience of
constant, orderly, change allows us to define units of time as seconds,
minutes, hours and days etc. and we use this elegant concept to be able
to plan things like the ship’s future position. Thus the concept of time
is very useful for functional purposes, yet it is highly significant to
understand that this concept is ultimately untrue, because it is a
concept and not the thing itself. The thing itself is motion as that is
the experience.

Thus the experiential
understanding is to see the functional usefulness of the concept of time
and yet be very clear that this is never truly experienced other than as
the mental description of experience [note that you had to learn to tell
time as a child].

power of experiential understanding is that it is not a belief or
some form of wishful thinking. For example it is
self-evident that experience as what is described as ‘now’ is
never not the case [this applies to current experience as you are
reading this; it also applies when you have a psychic experience or a
memory as these things are experienced and described as happening ‘now’].

Oscar Wilde said, “Experience
is the hardest kind of teacher. It gives you the test first and the
lesson afterward.”  This is true because it is only after
the experience that the mind describes the experience and renders it as

Can you give
another example of experiential understanding?

Yes. Ask the question ‘Are
you aware?’ and note how it is answered.

Notice that you
understand the question intellectually, which means your mind [head].
The answer comes when you drop out of your head and into your core
[heart] and experience that indeed you are aware. Then your mind
conceptualizes the experience of being aware and answers the question ‘Yes
I am aware’.

In this way the
experiential answer comes from the wisdom of the heart and it is
rendered as knowledge by the activity of the mind [the head].

Can you give a
simple example of the difference between intellectual understanding
and experiential understanding?

Yes. Science
is intellectual. Art is experiential.

Science is experiential
when it is applied. Art is intellectual when it is analyzed.

We are inevitably drawn to something that
no other aspect of our lives can offer

– a regular reminder that there is
something bigger and more important than who I think I

“Spirituality is a brave search for the
truth about existence, fearlessly peering into the mysterious nature
of life.”

See Beauty. Touch Truth. Feel Love. Be Peace.

Click here to get Seven Stages of the Spiritual Journey at discounted price while it’s still available…

All orders are protected by SSL encryption – the highest industry standard for online security from trusted vendors.

Seven Stages of the Spiritual Journey is backed with a 60 Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee. If within the first 60 days of receipt you are not satisfied with Wake Up Lean™, you can request a refund by sending an email to the address given inside the product and we will immediately refund your entire purchase price, with no questions asked.

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