Natural Psoriasis Treatment Program – The Psoriasis Program

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Whether you’re aware of it or not, there’s a major problem today surrounding conventional psoriasis treatments. And unfortunately you’re caught right in the middle of it… Today, 99% of psoriasis treatments, medically-based and naturally-based alike, don’t work, because they are missing key pieces to the psoriasis puzzle.

They are mostly promoting diets, pharmaceutical creams and drugs, and dietary supplements that are not only potential dangerous but offer nothing more than a band-aid fix in an attempt to cover up the MUCH bigger and more serious problem.

In fact, I’m going to share with you the medical research showing that 90% of psoriasis sufferers treated by modern medicine today show absolutely LITTLE IMPROVEMENT in their symptoms (actually their symptoms get worse). Over half of all psoriasis sufferers don’t even get treated conventionally because of the high cost and ineffectiveness of treatment… Sadly enough, even most natural treatments are just as bad and often times worse.

But that was before I discovered the Revolutionary Psoriasis Research that changed my patient’s lives forever, and that I will be sharing with you today, so please read on!

Happy Psoriasis Program Client

You don’t realize it but you ARE unknowingly sabotaging your skin every single day by…

I’m going to give you the POWER to put an end to your psoriasis and suffering and not only help you change your life, but literally SAVE Your Life (I’ll explain how below).

I don’t care if you’ve tried everything under the sun to get rid of your psoriasis and have lost all hope…

No matter how chronic your psoriasis is, you can overcome psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis and your body can and will heal. Doctors and dermatologists who tell you differently simply use this excuse because they don’t have the answers.

It’s time you accept the reality that what you’re doing right now is NOT WORKING.

It’s time you start thinking outside of the box and take a more Revolutionary Approach to Psoriasis. I’ve walked countless psoriasis patients over the past twenty years through this same process with the same amazing results.

I’m a Functional Medicine Practitioner, Naturopathic Physician, Health Researcher and Presenter, and author of The Psoriasis Program.

About twenty seven years ago, after discovering this research and dealing with my own health problems, I found my calling in life and started a private health consulting practice where today I continue to consult with clients from across the world. Since I started sharing my work online, my consultancy has grown rapidly having reached more than 25,000 people across more than 70 countries. I take pride in empowering psoriasis sufferers just like you across the world to take control of their own health instead of relying on a failing medical system that continues to do nothing to improve treatment standards and ignores the very research that holds the keys to the psoriasis puzzle.

And in case you were wondering… Over there to the left, that’s a picture of me and my mother, my favorite patient!

I spent many years searching for answers to my patients health problems and it has been a lot of research as well as trial and error to say the least. I’m sure you can relate to some of the same painful experiences that many of my psoriasis clients have experienced in the past.

Ever since I was young, I’ve taken a big interest in health, exercise and nutrition. I always took care of myself and considered myself to be quite healthy.

But as I got to my twenties, that’s when reality hit me.

While I did have a few minor symptoms of a candida yeast infection, it wasn’t until I started putting in long hours at work and was under a lot of emotional stress that my health began taking a turn for the worse.

I developed a major candida yeast infection and different kinds of skin problems, which I didn’t know at the time were some of the classic signs of psoriasis.

But then things quickly got worse. My energy levels were on the decline and I got increasingly depressed and anxious. My skin was becoming increasingly worse as was my digestive system. I developed many different allergies, leaky gut syndrome and constipation after taking several rounds of antibiotics. My doctor prescribed different creams for my skin and virtually ignored my candida infection.

It became increasingly more difficult to function at my work and my relationship with my wife broke down as a result of my increasing anxiety and depression.

Needless to say, my health was severely affecting my career, my professional as well as my social life!

I’ve seen many psoriasis patients with ruined lives, people who believe they have lost control of their lives…

You may be embarrassed about somebody noticing your red and flaky skin lesions. It’s a struggle to wake up to the itching, painful, and disgusting scales covering parts of your body…

And you are forced to wear clothes based on the goal of covering up your psoriasis. I’m sure you miss, or have even forgotten what it was like to be your old happy self again…

To not have to think about your skin…
Maybe your social life has plummeted because you feel too humiliated to go out and socialize, no matter what you do or how hard you try. And you find yourself overwhelmed at times with anxiety and worry. Psoriasis patients often find themselves on an emotional roller coaster ride that they never seem to be able to get off of…

“OH NO! yet another skin flare-up…”
The devastating effects that psoriasis can have on your family life is an entire story in itself. Maybe you feel bad because you can’t enjoy going out with your family on social outings. Being intimate has become a problem because of poor self confidence or low self-esteem. Your relationships with loved ones and friends maybe suffering. And you probably feel like your skin is more of a problem than anything. It’s like the life has literally been sucked out of you…

Do any of these sound familiar to you?

To not have to worry about intimacy…
Psoriasis can have a devastating effect on the intimate lives of many of its sufferers. This is one of those hidden and unseen consequences of a chronic condition like psoriasis, and a problem not many feel easy talking about.

To enjoy (not dreading) summer again…
Do you hate spring and summer? Many chronic psoriasis sufferers hate warmer weather when others can wear more revealing clothing. Imagine looking forward to summer again!

To not have to worry about messy creams, ointments or expensive drugs…
Imagine never having to worry again about applying all those messy or expensive products that just treat the symptoms and never address the cause?

They did to my patients – in the past…

I spent many years looking for answers for my psoriasis patients, only to fail miserably time and time again.

I tried many different protocols, diets and supplements, most of which only gave my patients temporary results…

I have even studied under one of the most well respected doctors in the field of natural medicine, Dr. James L. Wilson (who coined the phrase “adrenal fatigue”) as well as having attended many international functional medicine courses globally. I have also worked in various psoriasis clinics with doctors specialising in advanced natural psoriasis treatments, learning from the best.

Considering the fact that what I was learning was considered to be the most advanced and innovated form of natural and integrative healthcare available anywhere today, I had very high hopes for getting my patients the answers they needed.

But even after implementing everything I learned from the best in the industry, my psoriasis patients outcomes improved very little in the long term…

I started researching and studying all the best books on psoriasis, psoriatic arthritis and natural healing by authors such as Dr. John Pagano, Dr. Alan Gaby, Dr. Michael Murray and many more.

After gaining in depth knowledge on psoriasis from natural health experts, international medical conferences and through my association with natural skin specialists, I discovered that the best results were obtained by treating psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis patients in my clinic over a prolonged period of time, figuring out what worked and what didn’t work through sheer trial and error and plenty of patience.

Not only did this explain why everything I had tried earlier did NOT work, but it explained WHY I just wasn’t getting the long term results I was looking for my psoriasis patients that I now get.

I discovered through my extensive research of psoriasis, the digestive system must be healed first before serious psoriasis relief can be expected. The psoriasis patient would do well to understand the link between stress, their immune system and their skin outbreaks. The skin must be treated with natural oils instead of chemical preparations that suppress symptoms and cause side-effects.

This information has given my psoriasis patients a whole new lease on life…
I have studied psoriasis for many years… and slowly started putting together a blueprint, until i finally formulated the program… the master plan that has led me to put an end to my patient’s psoriasis… and that is the same plan i want to share with you in just a moment… i can tell you though, it didn’t happen overnight for most of my psoriasis patients…

In the very early days, I started working with only a handful of psoriasis patients and wasn’t surprised that I was only getting average results with this chronic condition like many health-care professionals.

It wasn’t until I actually started specialising in psoriasis and began my online psoriasis consultancy utilising my Psoriasis Program that I realised just how BIG this problem really was and that my life would never be the same.

After having been in practice for twenty-seven years and having seen thousands of patients with psoriasis, I’ve worked out a blueprint….

Fast forward to today, I’m helping psoriasis patients all around the world.

And their lives have changed FOREVER…

Do You Want Results Like This?

Ignoring psoriasis or just ‘treating symptoms’ is one of the biggest mistakes you can make. The longer you continue to just “deal” with the symptoms, they worse they become and the longer it takes you condition to heal.

Before I knew what I now know about psoriasis, I treated all psoriasis patients like most doctors. I treated their skin with a cream and told them to eat a healthy diet…

The exact same “psoriasis treatment” that was (and still is) being pushed by every single doctor, dermatologist, naturopath, website, magazine, TV show, blog, etc.…

But I was frustrated because my psoriasis patients were just not getting any better…

You’ve been told by your doctor that there is “no known cause or cure” for psoriasis…
You’ve been told to accept psoriasis as a “way of life” and to face up to the reality of creams, ointments and drugs for the rest of your life. And your doctor or dermatologist’s excuse generally is that you’ve been born with “bad genetics” and are told that you will need to take drugs for the rest of your life…

It’s NOT YOUR FAULT that you just can’t seem to get rid of your psoriasis because you’ve been LIED to!

Did You Know That Some Of The Most Commonly Prescribed Drugs Can Actually CAUSE Psoriasis?

A study conducted and recently published in The Clinical and Aesthetic Journal of Dermatology (Jan. 2010) mentioned that there are over 50 commonly prescribed drugs that are implicated in the “initiation, exacerbation or aggravation” of psoriasis. Do you take a drug AND have psoriasis? Is your psoriasis caused, exacerbated or aggravated by this drug?

Maybe it’s time for a fresh NEW NATURAL approach, one that does not require the use of toxic and expensive pharmaceutical preparations.

Did You Know That Half Of Psoriasis Patients Are Unhappy With Conventional Psoriasis Treatment?

A study conducted and recently published by JAMA Dermatology from 2003 – 2011 found that half of all patients with moderate to severe psoriasis don’t even receive treatment, reasons being that the treatment is too costly (25,000 dollars per year for new drugs) or just plain ineffective.

Are you happy with your medical treatment of psoriasis?

Maybe it’s time for a fresh NEW NATURAL approach, one that tackles the very CAUSE of your psoriasis triggers and flare-ups!

If you have moderate to severe psoriasis, you’re at a much greater risk of developing certain diseases. Individuals with psoriasis are at an elevated risk to develop other chronic and serious health conditions such as heart disease, inflammatory bowel disease, many other auto-immune diseases and even diabetes.

People with severe psoriasis can even have a significantly elevated risk of heart attack.

Complications and “co-morbidities” with psoriasis can include the following conditions:

Perhaps by now you’re beginning to understand the significance of psoriasis and how it can affect your overall health. Simply ignoring psoriasis or by just treating the symptoms with drugs and creams is a serious mistake that can have severe long term consequences to your health.

That’s like ignoring a noise your car makes instead of fixing it. Before you know it you’ve got a car that fails to perform or even worse, just doesn’t start one day. Fixing the noise when you first discovered it would have saved you a lot of time, money, and effort, not to mention the years of potential problems. Having psoriasis is similar. You can change your future and your health from developing into a major medical complication by simply fixing your underlying (and often ignored) health problems associated with psoriasis today.

But, heart disease, and other auto immune diseases are not the only diseases that psoriasis can lead to.

Research continues to show involvement of psoriasis in a number of chronic diseases that all stem from the same potential immune dysfunction that psoriasis causes, including diseases like diabetes and even Parkinson’s Disease.

While modern medicine continues to rely on the same illogical and poor symptomatic psoriasis drug treatment methods, over half of all psoriasis patients in America alone refuse conventional psoriasis medical treatment due to the high cost in addition to very poor outcomes.

Luckily, you’re smart enough not to fall into that trap!

What is critical to understand when it comes to your psoriasis is that there’s a lot more involved than simply the skin itself. Focusing solely on your skin lesions (or joint pain with psoriatic arthritis) is one of the quickest paths to failure.

There’s an entire underlying immune and digestive system that needs to be properly addressed if you ever want to win the battle with chronic psoriasis.

If you don’t address your underlying health then it’s like trying to fill a bucket that is continually leaking. No matter how much water you add, if the bucket continues to leak you’ll never be able to keep it full.

The same goes for your skin. It doesn’t matter how many drugs, supplements or creams you take, if your immune and digestive system has leaks then you’ll never be able to get enough vital nutrition to your skin cells and your health will increasingly suffer as time goes by.

If you treat the underlying causes you will be in a much better position to get significant long-term relief.

Did you know that over three-quarters of ALL psoriasis patients in fact have a big problem with candida yeast infections? Numerous studies now validate this, but your doctor most probably will be ignoring this and just treating your skin instead. If you ignore the fact that there is a high probability that you may have a yeast overgrowth in your digestive system, you are missing the boat.

This information is one of the missing links when it comes to getting rid of those continual psoriasis flare-ups. Once you finally correct the yeast overgrowth and restore balance and harmony to your digestive system amazing things will happen, like:

Doctors today don’t uncover the underlying cause of your psoriasis, instead, they have become accustomed to blaming everything on “bad genes”…

I noticed that as soon as psoriasis patients started eating the right foods, balancing their diet properly, treating their skin with natural oils and creams and addressed some of their key underlying lifestyle imbalances…

They somehow quickly overcame their “bad genetics”…

Their immune and digestive system and skin normalized all on their own and my energy levels sky-rocked higher than they had ever remembered…

Imagine the look on your doctor’s face when you start teaching him or her a thing or two and show them how you overcame your “bad genetics” without the use of those expensive and toxic drugs…

Here are now the 5 key reasons why most psoriasis sufferers never seem to improve permanently,

These are the very 5 key areas that form the basis for my revolutionary psoriasis program I’m about to share with you, the same program I use to give my psoriasis patients their lives back…

You Simply MUST Remove The Wrong Foods That Are Suppressing Your Immune System Undermining Your Digestive System.

It IS Critical Focus On The Right Foods That Reduce Inflammation And Stimulate The Production Of Healthy Skin Cells To Keep Your Skin Cells Healthy And Vibrant…

Foods That Need To Go Like Processed and Refined Foods, As Well As Foods With A High Allergy Potential Like Cow’s Milk, To Name But A Few…

Lesser Known Foods To Avoid Are Potatoes, Tomatoes And All Tomato Products Including Tomato Sauce, Paste And Juice, Chilli, Eggplant, And Bell Peppers. Foods Like These Are Known For Their Inflammatory As Well As Their Immune Suppressing Properties With Psoriasis And Their Role In The Continuation of Psoriasis…

You MUST Balance Your Diet Precisely And Supply Your Skin Cells With The Correct Ratios Of Nutrients To Correct The Cellular Defects That Cause Psoriasis…

I’ve Compiled Over 200 Pages Of Information About How To Eat, What To Eat, & What Not To Eat When You Have Psoriasis. Most Of This Information Is Simply Not Available Anywhere Else…

Internal Cleansing Is A Most Important Step; Regardless Of How “Clean” Your Diet Or Lifestyle Has Been.

Understand That Psoriasis Is The External Manifestation Of Accumulated Toxins. Detox Is Not To Be Skipped If You Want To Get Rid Of Psoriasis.

But, It Must Be The Right Kind Of Detox…

The Way To Build A Foundation For Good Health Is To Remove The Internal Toxins That Have Accumulated, Preventing Further Continuation Of A Major Psoriasis Trigger.

I’ve Outlined A Special 3-Stage Psoriasis Detox In Detail In A 46 Page Book All About Internal Cleansing And Detox.

Stress Is One Of The Primary Psoriasis Triggers, Learning HOW To Manage Stress On A Day To Day Basis Is A Critical Factor In Your Recovery From Psoriasis.

Stress Causes Your Body To Naturally Secrete High Levels Of The Stress Hormone Cortisol, And This Works Against You By:

The Stress Of Recurring Psoriasis Alone Causes Your Body To Secrete Stress Hormones Continually Low-Grade, And So The Chronic Stress Cycle Continues On, Making It Literally Impossible To Correct Psoriasis Outbreaks…

You MUST Correct Any Underlying Stress Imbalances That Are Inherent With Psoriasis And That Are Holding Your Skin On Lockdown…

I’ve Written An 81 Page Book Packed With Information On Sleep And Insomnia, Exercise Tips, Relaxation, How To Handle And Recover From Stress, Troubleshooting, FAQs, And Much More…

I’ve Even Written A Separate Book On Stress, Immunity And Psoriasis. A 29-Page Book All About How Weak Adrenal Function Will Ensure You Never Recover From Psoriasis…

This Vital Information Is Completely Lacking In Any Information On Psoriasis Recovery…

Understand That Medical Creams, Lotions And Ointments Never Cure Psoriasis. They Are Superficial Treatments That Never Get To The Root Of The Problem…

Use Natural Medicines On Your Skin Instead Of Chemicals, It Will Mean Less Chance Of Side Effects And You Will Avoid Toxins Building Up In Your Body.

Amongst Other Natural Oils, Jojoba Oil, It Is One Of The Best Oils To Use When You Have Scalp Psoriasis.

While Emu Oil Is One Of The Most Nourishing Oils You Will Ever Use On Your Skin For Psoriasis.

I’ve Written A 34 Page Book Packed With The Best Natural Psoriasis Skin Treatments Including Many Different Skin Formulas, Scalp Rinses, Special Moisturizing Treatments, The Best Oils To Use, Bathing Tips, And So Much More…

After Extensive Research Into Psoriasis And Nutrition, I Discovered That The 3 Most important Food Groups To Include In Your Diet When You Have Psoriasis Are:

Did You Know That Most Psoriatic Lesions Can Be Treated At Home With Home Remedies Such As Baking Soda, Propolis, Sunlight, Coconut Oil And Other Remedies You May Not Be Aware Of? I’ll show You the Best And How To Use Them All…

Most Doctors Believe That Dietary Supplements Play Either No Role Or Only A Minor Role When It Comes To Healing Their Psoriasis, This Is Incorrect Thinking. When It Comes To Beating Psoriasis, You Simply Must Supply Your Body With The Right Nutrients It Needs To Reduce Inflammation, Boost And Improve Immunity, Repair Your Skin, And To Speed Wound Healing.

I’ve Written A 100-Page Book That Outlines The Core Program Supplementation Program, And Will Teach You The Best Vitamins, Minerals, Herbal Medicines And Herbal Teas That Will Aid In Eradicating Your Psoriasis.

Your Deserve A Life With Minimal Psoriasis Disruption

You Deserve More Than A Life Full Of Psoriasis. You Deserve to Live Life to the Fullest…

Let’s face it, life is too short to let psoriasis hold you back from living the life you’ve always wanted, full of energy, motivation, fun, and pure enjoyment. You just have to make the decision that you’re no longer going to settle for a poor quality of life. You just have to be willing to stand up and take your health into your hands.

You deserve better, and you know it. But you need a plan. You need a road map that can show you the way to your destination, a life with minimal disruption from psoriasis.

That’s why I’m here. I want to guide you through the most amazing transformation that you could ever have imagined. It’s already happened for thousands of others just like you. Just read the success stories on this page and see for yourself.

You are about to discover one of the biggest breakthroughs in psoriasis and natural treatment research. Unlike any other approach you may have attempted before, the Psoriasis Program addresses every facet of psoriasis from every possible trigger and cause, the inflammation, right down to the very best natural skin treatments . The Psoriasis Program has been used by thousands of psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis sufferers in over 50 countries with unparalleled success. It breaks psoriasis treatment down into a simple, easy to understand, and step-by-step approach that anyone of any age or any stage of psoriasis can use, even if you’ve been treated with strong psoriasis drugs for many years. You don’t have to continue relying on doctors who have no answers, nor spend thousands of dollars to see skin specialists who still aren’t trained to effectively address all of your needs when it comes to helping you improve all aspects of your health, besides just your skin. The purpose of the Psoriasis Program is to put the power back into your hands and to arm you with the knowledge to naturally and permanently reduce those psoriasis outbreaks and reclaim your life!

For years my psoriasis patients were getting the run-around by doctors and dermatologists and not getting very far following the advice of the natural health doctors either. I can tell you now that that most of my patients have followed enough dead-end streets and failed enough times when it came to recovery from their psoriasis.

When I formulated the Psoriasis Program my goal was simple, it was to create the most complete natural solution that covers every facet of natural psoriasis recovery and in a way that was simple and easy to understand, follow, and implement in your life.

This isn’t some confusing or incomplete program that’s going to leave you stuck with more questions than when you started and with no clue where to even begin. The Psoriasis Program was designed for REAL PEOPLE, just like you.

For years my psoriasis patients were getting the run-around by doctors and dermatologists and not getting very far following the advice of the natural health doctors either. I can tell you now that that most of my patients have followed enough dead-end streets and failed enough times when it came to recovery from their psoriasis.

When I formulated the Psoriasis Program my goal was simple, it was to create the most complete natural solution that covers every facet of natural psoriasis recovery and in a way that was simple and easy to understand, follow, and implement in your life.

THE PSORIASIS PROGRAM isn’t some confusing or incomplete book that’s going to leave you stuck with more questions than when you started and with no clue where to even begin. The Psoriasis Program was designed for REAL PEOPLE, just like you. It was designed to be the most comprehensive and clinically effective natural psoriasis solution treatment program yet created.

Terry – Chronic Psoriasis Of The Arms And Legs

John – Chronic Hand And Body Psoriasis

Here is a nice email I received from John’s wife

Paul – Psoriasis Of The Knees

Julie – Guttate Psoriasis

Wendy – Psoriasis and Psoriatic Arthritis

The Psoriasis Program is comprised of five easy-to-follow stages and is comprised of 13 individual downloadable e-books (almost 600 pages). Over many years of working with psoriasis patients in my clinic, I’ve noticed that some can find a treatment program quite confusing. So I also added a very easy to follow and simple timeline chart in The QUICK START Guide (the second book) that makes it absolutely clear what you need to do and exactly when you need to do it.

In each book, I have explained exactly what you need to do to beat your psoriasis. But that’s not all… I’ve also explained exactly why you need to follow these steps, and I have included the scientific research into the best natural treatment methods that backs this up.

There are more than 40 delicious recipes to get you started, lists of my top psoriasis-fighting foods, and even a detailed shopping list you can print out and take to the store with you if you sign-up for my FREE online 12-part Psoriasis Program course. Just go to and sign-up today! I have done everything I can to make your psoriasis treatment as simple and easy to understand as I can.

The Psoriasis Diet Is Your Foundation

Understand The Relationship Between Stress And Psoriasis

STOP Using Chemical Skin Treatments

SPEED UP Your Skin’s Healing Ability

AMAZING, No Psoriasis The Past 6 Months!

I Have Plenty Of Confidence Now!

I Feel Fantastic And Never Realized My Skin Could Look This Great!

The Psoriasis Program is your ultimate natural treatment manual to healing psoriasis. This most comprehensive program is going to take you through everything that you need to know about healing your psoriasis naturally, in simple and easy to understand terms. I guarantee, there’s no medical jargon to confuse you!

There is a reason why the Psoriasis Program is one of a kind, and that’s because it contains so much unique cutting-edge information it will amaze you.

Don’t continue to be misled and lied to by mainstream healthcare and the corporate chemical industries who care only about their own profits and not your health, let me show you information that can really help you recover from psoriasis based on more than two decades of clinical naturopathic practice, countless psoriasis patients as well my own independent research into the best possible natural treatments for psoriasis.

The complete and comprehensive Psoriasis Program is the ultimate bible of how to heal your psoriasis, stop the causes and the underlying inflammatory disease process as well as achieve optimal health for the rest of your life.

Just take a look at the 13 e-books that make up the Psoriasis Program, you won’t find a more complete and clinically proven natural psoriasis program anywhere like this, I guarantee it!

This book is a good and comprehensive introduction to psoriasis.

I explain exactly what psoriasis is, what your main triggers and the most likely causes are.

Learn the 3 main types of psoriasis and the factors that determine your recovery, Learn how to avoid aggravations and flare-ups as well as the 12 psoriasis perseverance tips.

Discover that Psoriasis Program is a detailed and well-researched plan to eliminate your psoriasis forever.

The QUICK START guide was designed to get you straight into the Psoriasis Program.

A simple no nonsense step-by-step guide on exactly what to do and when to do it.

No need to wade through hundreds of pages looking for answers, getting confused.

Each of the 5 key steps is explained, and you will learn the key hints and tips on getting results FAST.

Hints and tips on what to do if you still need and all else fails. You will find this guide handy!

More than 100 pages on some of the best diet and nutrition information on psoriasis you will find.

Designed as an introduction to the comprehensive 3-stage Psoriasis Diet program.

I highly recommend that you read it before you start on the Psoriasis Diet.

This book will lay the foundation for great digestive and immune health, leading to optimal health and lasting freedom from psoriasis.

The most comprehensive book written yet about dietary treatment of psoriasis.

More than 100 pages, packed with information that explains the three-stage psoriasis diet in detail.

The diet begins with a one to two week cleanse, and is very simple to follow.

You won’t have to starve yourself and you will still be able to eat many of those foods you love.

Comprehensive lists of the foods to eat and avoid (and why) during your treatment.

Specialized psoriasis recipes.

This book explains what leaky gut syndrome (intestinal permeability) is, and its implications with psoriasis.

Learn why healing your digestive system is one of the most important aspects of psoriasis recovery.

Understand why your immune system becomes overwhelmed by toxins causing inflammation and what you can do to rectify it quickly.

Frequent flare-ups CAN be resolved by learning this priceless information! The information is worth the price of the program alone.

Learn all about the strong connection between a yeast infection and psoriasis.

Candida is one of the prime psoriasis triggers, causing its persistence as well as aggravation in many people.

In a recent study, 21 out of 34 people with psoriasis were found to have athlete’s foot.

Researchers have consistently found a relationship with Candida albicans in the digestive system of those with chronic psoriasis, This book will teach you how to recognize if you have a yeast infection if you have psoriasis, and what to do about it.

Learn HOW to resolve your yeast infection in your conquest to become and remain psoriasis free for life.

This 50 page book explains all you need to know about cleansing and detox if you have psoriasis.

The BEST results are obtained by assisting psoriasis patients in internal cleansing by opening up and improving elimination, especially the bowels, kidneys, skin and lungs.

This valuable book outlines my 3-stage psoriasis detoxification program, specifically targeted for those with chronic or recurring psoriasis or psoriatic arthritis.

Learn basic as well as advanced detox concepts, and understand why you need to keep your bowels, liver and kidneys clean if you want to be free of psoriasis.

Learn the vital connection between your immune system, your digestive system, stress in your life and how your skin is affected.

Many people don’t know or fully understand the connection between stress, immunity and psoriasis, and this book explains all.

You will learn how to rebuild your immune system and restore the integrity of your body’s stress system .

Most all psoriasis sufferers have varying degrees of stress- related health complaints that can and should be improved, and by doing so will pave the way for a successful and permanent eradication of psoriasis.

This key information is missing in every book I’ve seen on psoriasis.

Your complete and long-term recovery from psoriasis may very well be dependent on learning and applying the essence of this book.

Understanding about how and why your lifestyle influences the severity of your psoriasis is information you need to know if you want to recover.

Anxiety, tension and stress all increase your skin aggravation and keep you in an inflammatory state, I’ll show you what to do about it.

This book contains 80 pages packed with the best advice on how to adopt a healthy and balanced lifestyle to beat your psoriasis forever!

More than 30 pages packed with the best information on what to do with your skin when you have psoriasis.

Learn my top 10 psoriasis skin-care tips, the best creams, ointments and oils to use.

Discover specialized psoriasis skin formulations from the world’s best skin doctors.

Learn the two absolutely best natural oils to use, and the four reasons why you need to use oils and creams regularly.

Many tips on bathing, scalp care, many specialized essential oil psoriasis formulations, and lots more!

This book even contains several psoriasis skin-care recipes you can make up at home.

Over half of psoriasis patients are not happy with their conventional medical treatments. (National Psoriasis Foundation USA 2013)

This 20 page booklet explains all the treatments that your doctor or dermatologist may recommend, outlining the different kinds of drugs and their side-effects.

I explain all about the current topical psoriasis treatments, UV treatment, systemic therapy, disease modifying agents, and the kinds of drugs that have been implicated in actually causing psoriasis.

This is a very handy guide if you are currently taking any conventional medicine treatment for your psoriasis. Learn the truth!

A 40 page booklet that outlines the various tests available to you, particularly to show you the underlying digestive and immune problems that may well be stopping your recovery.

Targeted testing can uncover your individual causes and triggers of psoriasis, yet is often ignored by most health-care professionals.

Discover that appropriate testing will provide you with a personalized framework for accurate diagnosis and highly targeted treatment.

I’ll show you how and why testing can give you the best chances of a full recovery.

This specialized information is simply not available anywhere else, and it could make all the difference!

The latest research into specialized psoriasis-fighting foods, and a list of my the most effective psoriasis supplements.

A comprehensive book describing the best foods, supplements and herbal medicines that have the best effect on reducing the inflammatory process, inhibiting and eradicating unwanted bacteria, yeasts and parasites from the body, as well as balancing the pH of the body.

A very handy book indeed, as it will also teach you the best vitamins, minerals, herbal medicines and herbal teas that will aid in eradicating your psoriasis.

I outline the core psoriasis supplementation program in this booklet.

Your Psoriasis Program Should Be Compulsory reading

Well Worth The Money Spent

My Doctor Can’t Believe How Much My Health Has Improved

I Was Desperate And So Glad I Found Your Program

I want to be completely honest with you – this program is not for everyone.

This revolutionary program is ONLY meant for people who are serious about overcoming their psoriasis and making the best most out of life.

I won’t lie to you, it does take commitment to follow the program as designed for maximum results.

This Program Is NOT For Those Who Don’t Want To Commit…
After working with psoriasis patients for many years, it has become crystal clear which patients are dedicated to changing their lives and overcoming psoriasis and those who are more interested in coming up with excuses for why they can’t seem to commit…

If you can’t commit to changing your life, then please don’t waste your time or mine for that matter…

And, if you’re looking to find the newest secret supplement or magic pill then you’re definitely in the wrong place because there is no (and never will be) a magic fix or a silver bullet and your health.

Unless you’re willing to make the effort to eliminate the underlying cause your psoriasis and lay down a solid foundation of health that will keep your digestive and immune system healthy for life then you will never achieve the permanent results that my most satisfied psoriasis patients achieve.

But, before you take the next step, let me ask you…

How ready are you to take back your life? How good is it going to feel to wake up every day and focus on what matters most in your life instead of merely struggling to accept your psoriasis?

How important is it to you to have beautiful skin, and what will you do with your life since you’ll be in complete control and look and feel amazing?

You can continue to do nothing and struggle through a life of psoriasis, watching your health continue to suffer and decline.

Or, you can join me today and take back your life and your health and put an end to your suffering once and for all.

The choice is ultimately yours…

No, you didn’t read that wrong. That’s exactly what this program is… This program is an investment and arguably one of the best investments you could ever possibly make…

For starters, you can’t put a value on adding happy and healthy years to your life, but that’s only part of the investment.

I also want you to consider the frightening healthcare costs that are rising at unsustainable levels each and every year. Medical costs are the #1 cause of bankruptcy today (62% of all bankruptcies and 78% of these people even had health insurance!) and it’s only getting worse as healthcare costs continue to rise year after year. At this rate, it won’t be long before no one will be able to afford healthcare…

So, it’s no exaggeration that the Psoriasis Program could easily save you thousands of dollars in healthcare costs not only in your lifetime – but quite possibly each year with the way things are going.

No other investment, whether it be bricks and mortar or the stock market or otherwise can offer you that good of an investment!

No matter what happens in life, all you ever really have is your health, right? It is your MOST IMPORTANT investment.

Now, if I worked with you one-on-one then your investment would amount to 150.00 per hour, this is what all of my psoriasis patients pay to achieve unprecedented results each and every time. While personal consultations are one of the best investments that you could make with chronic psoriasis, I’m not going to ask you for that kind of investment.

Having all the thirteen books that make up The Psoriasis Program is the BEST of my psoriasis knowledge all distilled into one exceptional program, and the investment you make is less than a third of my hourly rate!

But, I do reserve the right to remove this exclusive discount at any time with no exceptions whatsoever.

Mt Doctor Is Very Impressed With My Improvements

I Am Pleased And Amazed At How My Skin Has Improved

I Am Absolutely Delighted With The Outcome

Understanding The Stress Link Was The Key To My Recovery

Did You Think For One Moment That I Was Going To Leave You Stranded?

With The Psoriasis Program You are getting every single tool and all of the material that you need to take your life back and begin to enjoy life again, exactly the way that life was meant to be enjoyed…

Life was meant to be a beautiful experience, not some ruthless and embarrassing struggle with your skin. And I’m going to lead you down that lost path, back where you lost control of your life a long time ago. And if you ever get confused along the way or forget which way you were going then I’ll be right there with you all the way, to point you in the right direction.

Let’s face it, you could go out and buy any book on psoriasis (you may have already) and all you’re usually left with is a book that will likely spend the remainder of its life collecting dust on your bookshelf or jumping from garage sale to garage sale. Ask yourself these questions:

Does the author have more than twenty years of experience in treating chronic psoriasis, is he or she trustworthy, does he or she have a significant online presence, is he or she available for you to seek professional guidance from by way of a Skype consultation?

Probably Not!
Is the author going to check in on you to make sure that you understand and follow the information correctly?

Of Course Not!
Is the author going to give you not only his or her extensive psoriasis natural treatment program at a bargain price, but on top of that give you an extensive online psoriasis recovery learning program – entirely FREE?

And that’s just one of the many things that separate me from just about any other practitioner or author on psoriasis out there. Plus, I can guarantee that you will not find the amazing and highly effective natural treatment methods that I show you in any book or any other psoriasis treatment program. I can guarantee this!

I want to leave you with the best experience of your life…

To go that extra mile, I’ll be providing you with a Psoriasis Program E-Mail Course to help you with every step of way.You will receive my 12-part email course that will take you through the entire Psoriasis Program!

This email coaching is designed to ensure that you stay motivated and hold you fully accountable, which are both important keys to success in every aspect of life. They also help answer any questions you might have along the way.

This is something that I typically only offer my clients but that I’m opening up to you, today for FREE!

One of the main reasons you may well be doing the Psoriasis Program is to enjoy the freedom that you are about to experience being FREE from all those skin lesions and/or joint pain, and eating healthy is one of the most important foundations of the Psoriasis Program that will allow you to achieve your objective sooner rather than later.

While I do provide more than enough dietary tools and resources that you really don’t even need to think about food (just eat it!), I also wanted to give you the advantage of having the most detailed and specialized psoriasis shopping guide available anywhere!

The advantage of this most comprehensive 13 page good food guide is that it walks you through exactly what you CAN eat, and what the BEST foods are if you have chronic psoriasis. This is the same guide I sell for 50.00 in my clinic, and it’s yours for FREE as an added bonus if you purchase The Psoriasis Program!

My Insomnia Is Gone, Thanks So Much

Thank You For Changing My Life

Imagine beautiful skin, imagine being able to wear any clothes you like. NO MORE embarrassment!

Imagine being able to actually look forward to summer!

Imagine a restful night’s sleep, waking completely rested, full of energy, and ready to start the day.

Imagine going through your day and being able to concentrate on work and your family without feeling overwhelmed with stress or anxiety about your skin!

Imagine no more drugs with side effects or messy creams or ointments. Imagine the cost savings!

Imagine living the rest of your life the way that life was meant to be enjoyed, knowing that you are in total control of your health.

Think about that about that for a moment. Where will you be and how will you look and feel in 6 months if you don’t get started with the Psoriasis Program today? Do you honestly think that you’ll see any improvement in your psoriasis? I didn’t think so.

Even though thousands of people have had success with this program, I know you may feel a little hesitant because you don’t want to have wasted your time and money and purchased something that wasn’t right for you. I understand that. We’ve all been there. But I also know that you need to take a chance and give it a shot, otherwise, you will never get any closer to living a life free of psoriasis.

But rest assured because…

Best Investment I’ve Made Online

I Can Now Play With My Kids Pain Free

Your Approach Towards Psoriasis Treatment Is Amazing

The Doctor Even Stopped My Medication

Stop hiding your body under all that clothes! Show off your body with complete confidence when you learn how to become completely free of itchy, scaly psoriasis! It doesn’t matter what caused your psoriasis or how severe it is. My natural psoriasis treatment program will start showing you results in just weeks – I guarantee it! Try it for a full 60 days and see for yourself!

This truly is a once in a lifetime opportunity to change the course of your life and create the life that you want and deserve.

I can’t wait to see the new you.

Talk to you soon,
Eric Bakker N.D.

P.P.S. The Psoriasis Program is offered as a discounted downloadable program that provides you instant access immediately after you order. Upon purchase you will be directed to a download page where you will be able to download the adobe acrobat PDF files, which can easily be viewed on both Mac and PC. You can take the e-books to your print shop where they can easily print them off for you and make separate spiral bound books for you at a low-cost.

WRONG! If The Psoriasis Program doesn’t AMAZE you, if the sheer quality of the content of this MOST comprehensive psoriasis self-help natural course doesn’t take you by surprise then I’d like to know what is better out there! I’ve seen ALL the books and programs on psoriasis self-help, and they are ALL pathetic in my opinion. I’ve spent 27 years treating patients just like you and have had MANY disappointed patients telling me they felt RIPPED OFF after buying books about psoriasis treatment online. I’ve NEVER had anybody tell me this about The Psoriasis Program. What have you got to lose? You even have a 60 days to prove me wrong, a two month no questions asked refund policy. What could be more fair than that!

The Psoriasis Program is available in digital (e-book) PDF format.The Psoriasis Program consists of a series of PDFs that are easily downloaded directly to your computer, eBook reader, or other personal device. This allows you to save on the cost of the materials and shipping. This is a great cost saving, because you are not paying for shipping or printing costs. You may decide to print one or more books however, and this can be easily done.

I completely understand! Maybe you think you’ve tried everything when it comes to your psoriasis. Yet, I can guarantee that you haven’t tried this yet. The Psoriasis Program is based on the latest breakthroughs in psoriasis diet and natural medicine treatment research. If you’re still struggling with psoriasis or psoriatic arthritis or not managing it well (like 50% of those with psoriasis) then you deserve to live the life you want.

If you’re struggling with any of the common psoriasis symptoms such as cracked skin, itchy skin, bleeding or weeping skin, embarrassment, anxiety, drug side effects, digestive issues, hair, skin, and nail problems, sleeping problems, poor quality of life, etc. — then the Psoriasis Program is DEFINITELY designed for somebody just like you!

But you’ll never know unless you try it. And it’s backed by a “no questions asked” 60-day money back guarantee. So, what do you really in all fairness have to lose?

That depends on your idea of healthy. In my clinical experience of 27 years, what the majority of people consider healthy can potentially be damaging their digestive and immune system. What I show you will completely blow you away!

I’ve based my Psoriasis Diet on the very latest research as well as work by all the foremost experts in psoriasis, including Dr. John Pagano, Dr. Alan Gaby, Dr. Michael Murray, Dr. Andrew Weil, Chris Kressler M.S., L.Ac., and many more.

If you’re not already getting the results you want then it’s safe to say that your diet is not up to scratch. And in the words of Einstein… “Insanity is repeating the same behavior (diet) over and again and expecting a different result”

YES! Food allergies are caused by digestive leakiness due to one or several causes including pharmaceutical drugs, alcohol, and dysfunctional metabolism of the cells that line your digestive tract due to stress and other causes. When unable to properly energize, these cell membranes become weakened allowing undigested food particles to permeate directly into your bloodstream.

By improving your diet and lifestyle, and restoring energy production to your digestive tract, these cells will regain their rigid structure and food allergies will resolve. Many of our clients report not only amazing improvements in digestion but also food allergies that have resolved, some partially but most of them completely over time.

Absolutely! I’ve helped a thousand or more psoriasis sufferers gain complete freedom from drugs regardless of how long they were taking them. Once the correct balance is restored to your digestive system, you start to eat the right kinds of foods and avoid those foods or drinks that cause inflammation you will notice a big difference.

But once you incorporate the right kind of lifestyle and get rid of those chemical creams and ointments entirely and start to use natural skin treatment protocols you will notice massive changes. I’ll show you how to wean off drugs, and how you can systematically lessen your dependency till you no longer need them – ever again.

The short answer is yes. With psoriatic arthritis there is both a digestive and immune component that need to be addressed and the pain and immobility is driven primarily by your inability to down-regulate inflammation. This means you take drugs to ‘switch-off’ the pain, and these drugs slowly wreck your digestive system, keeping your increasingly reliant on them.

The good news is that once you correct the inappropriate inflammatory response by correcting the underlying digestive and immune dysfunction, the skin as well as the joints can both heal and help restore proper function. The result is far less pain and inflammation, and no more reliance on powerful steroid and other anti-inflammatory drugs that wreck your body in the long run.

Current science and research continue to show that many diseases stem directly from poor digestive and immune dysfunction, as well as hidden or stored toxins. You see, when you have psoriasis you may have a weakened immune response and have various other dysfunctions such as hormonal or digestive that can make you more prone to other auto-immune illnesses, an increased chance of infections and also a higher risk of food allergies or food sensitivities.

Therefore, psoriasis can negatively affect any and every part or system of your body, promoting many other health issues such as acute and even chronic illness. In my experience, by improving your digestive and immune system I have seen significant carry over into significant improvement in health and often times a complete resolution of many other underlying health issues.

There are many diseases and dysfunctions that have been linked to psoriasis and here’s a short list of some of the commonly discussed ones: Crohn’s disease, diabetes, depression, Metabolic syndrome, obesity, osteoporosis, uveitis and liver disease and even heart disease and cancer.

Crohn’s Disease: There is a connection between psoriasis, psoriatic arthritis and inflammatory bowel disease. In a recent study of women with psoriasis, 10 percent developed a form of inflammatory bowel disease, such as Crohn’s Disease or ulcerative colitis.

Diabetes: People with psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis are at an increased risk for type 2 diabetes, according to a 2012 study. People with severe psoriasis, in particular, are 30 percent more likely to have type 2 diabetes.

Depression: Psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis can cause considerable emotional distress for people, including low self-esteem, and an increased chance of mood disorders, such as depression.

Metabolic Syndrome: There is a significant association between psoriatic disease and metabolic syndrome – a cluster of conditions that include heart disease, abdominal obesity and high blood pressure. A national sample of more than 6,500 people found that 40 percent of those with psoriasis had metabolic syndrome, compared with just 23 percent of the general population. More women with psoriasis had metabolic syndrome than men.

Obesity: Researchers have known for some time that people with psoriatic disease are more likely to be obese than the normal population. Recent studies continue to examine the relationship between the two. One study showed that children with psoriasis were at much greater risk of being obese, while another showed being overweight at 18 increased the risk of developing psoriatic arthritis.

Osteoporosis: A study of people with psoriatic disease showed that 60 percent of patients had osteopenia, an early form of the bone disease, osteoporosis, and 18 percent had progressed to osteoporosis.

Uveitis: Psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis raise your risk of developing uveitis, an inflammatory disease of the eye. About 7 percent of people with psoriatic arthritis will develop uveitis, according to recent studies.

Liver Disease: People with psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis may be at greater risk for developing a liver condition called nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD), according to recently published studies.

Cancer: A number of studies have found that people with psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis have an increased risk of certain types of cancer, such as lymphoma and nonmelanoma skin cancer.

Cardiovascular Disease: Research continues to link psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis with an increased risk for cardiovascular disease, especially in people with severe psoriasis. People with severe psoriasis are 58 percent more likely to have a major cardiac event and 43 percent more likely to have a stroke, according to one study.

Yes, you may need more help. You may need support. You may need clarification. You may have questions. I’ve been doing this long enough now to know what most of those questions will be, and I’ve answered ALL of the basic questions and many of the advanced questions in the Psoriasis Program itself.

For those questions that aren’t answered here or in the program itself, rest assured that you will have on-going email support. You will be fully supported 100% of the way — and that’s my promise to you!

Copyright 2015 – Ultimate Psoriasis Program – All Rights Reserved


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Natural Psoriasis Treatment Program – The Psoriasis Program is backed with a 60 Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee. If within the first 60 days of receipt you are not satisfied with Wake Up Lean™, you can request a refund by sending an email to the address given inside the product and we will immediately refund your entire purchase price, with no questions asked.

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