See Your Abs

Product Name: See Your Abs

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See Your Abs is backed with a 60 Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee. If within the first 60 days of receipt you are not satisfied with Wake Up Lean™, you can request a refund by sending an email to the address given inside the product and we will immediately refund your entire purchase price, with no questions asked.



Are your abs obscured by a thick layer of flab, water retention and belly bloat?

Look 5, 10 Even 20 Pounds Lighter Using Just 3 Exercises and 3 Foods… in Only 3 DAYS!

New “3 Step Rotation System” Eliminates The #1 Cause Of Stubborn Belly Fat, Bloating and Water Retention.

You are about to discover the TRUE STORY behind those amazing before and after pictures you see in the magazines… and you’re going to be BLOWN AWAY when I reveal how YOU can create this same visual effect in just days from today.

In the article below I share the deeply personal account how the darkest period of my life led me to discover the truth about body transformations, abdominal toning and definition and why everything that you have heard about this topic is dead WRONG.

I have NEVER shared this story before so please stay with me here on this page. Don’t just skim through it – I don’t want you to miss a single word. This story is what led me to discover a fool proof system to losing abdominal fat and looking 5, 10 even 20 pounds lighter using just 3 exercises, 3 foods and in only 3 days.

NOTE: The near tragic story you are about to read is 100% true – only the names have been changed to protect the identities.

For most of my life I have had a very big secret…something so dangerous, and so deadly that I literally did anything and everything in my power to protect it and keep it hidden.

This secret prevented me from enjoying sports, social activities, relationships and life in general.

This secret is something that nearly cost me my life… and I know it has negatively impacted your own life in some way as well.

As powerful and deadly as this secret is, this same secret lead me to discover the TRUTH about solving the oldest nutrition and exercise problem in the world – how to eliminate your belly bloat, water retention and the layer of abdominal flab that is making you look fatter than you really are.

When I first started exercising I was a skinny, 145 pound teenager with low self-esteem and a “pooch” belly.

While some guys dreamed of cars or sports I just wanted to have visible abdominal muscles so I would have more self-confidence and feel better about how I looked.

Back then I was very insecure about my appearance and would avoid any activity that involved taking off my shirt in front of others and revealing my skinny arms and pudgy belly. In fact, just the thought of being seen “half naked” was enough to make me have a panic attack.

And it’s not as if I wasn’t trying to fix my problem. You may be surprised to hear that I began exercising when I was only 13 years of age. I was also in excellent health. But there was one area of my body that would not change no matter what I tried – I could not lose my belly fat or achieve visible abdominal muscles.

I always knew that I wasn’t what you would call “genetically gifted”. In fact, many people in my family struggle with their weight and self-esteem. And after years of exercising, dieting and endless fat burning pills I found myself in a deep depression.

This depression lasted for years. It even got so bad that I came very close to ending my own life.

It sounds crazy to think that being unhappy with your appearance could lead to depression but it all stems from a general feeling of not being good enough, capable or worthy.

When combined with the day to day pressures of life these feelings can overwhelm your mind and leave you feeling trapped with no escape.

My depression got so bad that my doctor prescribed Prozac – a powerful mood altering drug.

This drug was a disaster for me and left me feeling tired all the time and even more depressed!

I can recall one day sitting in my car at a railroad crossing as a train approached. I thought how easy it would be for me to drive onto the tracks and end my pain…

Have you ever felt that way?

On that day I made a very important decision that would change the course of my life forever…

At that moment I decided to not give up and find a natural solution that would rid me of my depression and body image issues.

How a depressed, out of shape 20 year old stumbled upon the TRUTH behind those amazing before and after pictures and body transformations… and why you can’t see your abs…

During this dark period of my life I made the critically important decision to seek out the top nutrition coaches and body transformation specialists in the world and ask them for help.

At my local gym there was a highly skilled celebrity personal trainer who all of the actors, bikini models and body builders RAVED about. His name was Clarence and he knew more about diet and training than anybody else.

Clarence was in great shape himself but even more importantly his CLIENTS were too. They often raved about his unique ability to make people look their best in record time.

But Clarence’s real skill was what he could do to a person’s midsection. This “abs magician” could literally make any person look as if they lost 20 pounds of fat DIRECT off their stomach in less than a week.

Granted, his clients likely didn’t lose THAT much fat in a week’s time BUT the important thing is they LOOKED like they did- and right off their midsection!

THIS was Clarence’s unique ability – transforming the stomachs of men and women so that they appeared to have visible abs…and do it in under a week.

Seeing how I was struggling to lose the gross layer of fat that clung to my abs I walked up to him one day and asked him point blank:

“What is your secret? I mean – how the heck are you able to make a person’s abs look so much flatter and defined in such little time?”

I was even more confused. So I asked what the heck he was talking about.

Clarence explained – “If a client comes to me with belly fat and they MUST lose it fast I put them on my 3 day rotation diet and exercise plan and in no time their bellies shrink and fat starts to melt away – especially from the abs”.

Being a bit of a gym veteran myself I thought he was talking about some crazy “spot reduction” baloney. That was until he told me more about his method.

He said, “Bruce, you got it all wrong. I can’t make a person lose fat just from their stomach and not anywhere else. That is B.S…

…But what my 3 day rotation method will do is eliminate belly bloat and remove the first layer of fat and water that is covering up your abs. From there I mix in 3 targeted movements that bring out the definition in your abs so that the outline becomes visible…

…These exercises are done in a very unique way that most trainers simply don’t know about. When combined, these “heat up” the fat covering your abs and when repeated, create rapid results. I have it down to a science”.

His last sentence jumped out at me – “I have it down to a science”.

And that was when it all “clicked”.

Up until that point I had been jumping from one workout program to the next and flipping from diet to diet. All in the hope of seeing some fat come off my gut.

Suddenly I realized why I wasn’t seeing any results –

Just like you, I had always been taught that losing stomach fat was simply a matter of lowering my calories and doing some crunches.

And it really isn’t THAT much different for you and me – we both need to watch what we eat and exercise more if we want to lose fat and have a flat stomach or six pack abs.

But the fact of the matter is there is more to shedding stomach fat and revealing toned, sexy abdominals than simply watching what you eat and exercising.

In fact, there are 3 virtually unknown diet and exercise “tricks” that can quickly and easily change the way your abs look in 3 days (or less)!

These 3 diet and exercise tricks are based on the science of hydration and thermodynamics and produce incredible results time after time.

The Method You MUST Follow Is Not Rocket Science…

The problem is there is so much bad and potentially harmful advice floating around the internet it’s no wonder why people are confused.

Here Are 5 Common Pitfalls You MUST Take Into Consideration

If You Think All There Is To Having A Nice Looking Stomach Or Even 6 Pack Abs Is “Calories In/Calories Out” – You’re SADLY Mistaken.

Body fat is not the only thing preventing you from having a flat stomach or even seeing your abs.

There are two more factors that most people overlook;

You have a mushy layer of water retention that is obliterating your definition and making you look fatter than you are.

You have belly bloat and internal fat that is pushing your stomach out from the inside making your waist appear thick and bloated.

The good news is there’s a simple, safe and fast “cure” for these issues and it produces results you can see in days – not weeks or months.

If You Think Crunches And Sit-Ups Are The Answer – You’re Missing Out On The Most Effective Ab Toning Methods On The Planet.

Crunches and sit ups will exercise your abs but they can cause more problems than they solve. For example, years ago I used one of these weighted ab machines you see in the gym;

This machine actually made my waist thicker and nearly ruined the way my abs looked.

Fortunately I was able to reverse this damage using a simple 3 exercise sequence you will learn about below.

If You Believe The Reason Your Stomach Sticks Out Is Just Because You Have Too Much Body Fat – You’re Wrong.

I have performed skin fold body fat tests on hundreds of clients and have seen many people who have big bellies while still having LOW body fat.

How can this be possible?

The reason is simple – the belly is being pushed out from the inside. This problem can happen to you at anytime and is NOT caused by eating too many calories.

Fortunately there is a simple food rotation solution that can remove this bloat overnight.

If You Believe You Have To Wait Months Or Even Years To Shrink Your Waist – You Are Not Even Close.

It shouldn’t take weeks or even moths to lose an inch or two from your waist – it should take just a few DAYS…IF you do it right.

Unfortunately, most people stick to the same old outdated methods and only focus on losing pounds on the scale.

The system you are about to try is laser focused on one thing only – losing the belly bloat and water retention that are obscuring your abs and making you look fat.

If You Can’t “Feel” The Fat Leaving Your Abdominals – You Likely Have ZERO Chance Of EVER Seeing Your Abs.

This is one of the strangest phenomenon’s you will ever experience and is a strong indication that your belly is shrinking.

You should feel a slight “tingling” sensation or even an “itch” on the surface of your stomach – this is a sign that fat is being mobilized and things are happening.

There is a specific technique you must use in order to make this happen – you will learn more about it below.

At once I realized WHY losing abdominal fat and getting a nice, flat looking stomach was so difficult for most people, and that there was a scientific and precise method that makes achieving this look so much easier.

So that’s why I decided to hire a coach and learn from the BEST.

I decided to hire Clarence to be MY trainer for 3 months. In that time we spent many hours going through his system and he taught me all of the secrets he used to create simply amazing looking abs on both men and women…and in very little time.

He even helped me to prepare for my first photo shoot for Men’s Exercise Magazine – here is one of the pics from that day.

I Must Warn You – Before You Go Thinking This Method Only Works On People In Their 20’s Think Again…

You are probably wondering – “How can this lightening quick system create such dramatic belly shrinking, ab defining results in ONLY 3 short days?”

You may not realize it but the #1 reason for your belly bulge and why you don’t have a nice, flat stomach or abs is because of a problem you have on the inside of your belly.

“You have abs – you just can’t see them”. This is what my coach told me years ago… and he was right- and the same goes for you.

Reach down and pinch your tummy fat- is it soft and can you squeeze it between your fingers? If so then you have a layer of water that is obscuring your definition and making you look fatter than you really are.

Most trainers are not aware of this but there is a simple, super effective method for legitimately targeting abdominal body fat.

In a study published in the prestigious American Journal of Physiology researchers identified a proven connection between exercise, blood flow and site specific fat loss.

I am happy you have made it this far because here is the BEST part – SEE YOUR ABS works for everybody. It does not matter if you are male or female, how old you are or how fit (or un-fit) you may be.

This system is so powerful and simple to follow… and that’s what makes it different from all the over hyped ab programs out there.

Plus, this system is flexible enough to fit into any lifestyle and it won’t consume your valuable time with endless workouts or shopping for exotic food ingredients.

In fact, there are just 3 simple exercises and 3 simple foods – that’s it! And you will experience results you can see in just 3 days – guaranteed.

The ab revealing system I teach in SEE YOUR ABS cannot be found in any text book, nutrition manual or medical journal. This system is a result of my 25+ years working in the fitness and modeling industry and with people whose livelihood depends on looking lean and light.

Many times I was given a VERY short window to prepare these individuals and that pressure forced me to come up with a system that works fast.

Why waste your money on another “weight loss” program that doesn’t specifically target your biggest issue and why have a belly that sticks out and a soft, bloated looking stomach?

What you need is a proven system that eliminates your belly bloat and water retention in just a few days – WITHOUT high impact exercise, slowing your metabolism or destroying your health along the way.

There isn’t another program that will change the way your abs look faster than the SEE YOUR ABS system – guaranteed. In fact, this is the ONLY abs program designed specifically to;

By now I am sure you are dying to try this for yourself and are wondering how much a unique program like this will cost…

As I explained, learning these waist shrinking methods didn’t come cheap or easy. It took me years of researching and trial and error to fine tune and perfect this system.

Under normal circumstances it would take me two consultations to explain this system to you and another to demonstrate the exercise techniques used to create this amazing result.

This is the FASTEST way on earth to SHRINK your belly, lose stubborn inches of fat and create a lean, sexy midsection. PLUS there’s absolutely ZERO risk to you…

First you’ll receive the See Your Abs program that will teach you… the EXACT “3 Day Rotation” method that will shrink away stubborn belly bloat and ab fat… delivered to you in a pdf book with detailed photographs and instructions.

The ab defining results you will enjoy from using the See Your Abs system will blow your mind. But the results don’t stop there.

Here are 5 MORE benefits you will reap from using this proven system:

Since reading this far, I’m going to offer you a deal that you’d have to be crazy not to jump all over.

In fact, there is MUCH more that I want to give to you.

Everybody wants lean, sexy arms. No other body part is as easy to show off AND as visually impressive as a nice pair of defined arms. Problem is most people haven’t got a clue how to go about getting them! There is a LOT more to it than simply doing endless sets of bicep curls and triceps push downs. Research shows that there is a connection between arm fat and the hormones testosterone and estrogen. In this guide you will learn the simple nutrition tricks that will increase your testosterone levels as well as my simple steps to lowering estrogen naturally. You will also discover my 4 week arm specialization training program that is guaranteed to give you arms that will make you the envy of all your friends.

This one is especially for the women (but that’s not to say that there aren’t guys who will benefit too). Having sexy legs and butt is the goal of just about every woman I have ever trained. The trick to achieving this goal is understanding lower body fat accumulation is almost always caused by one of two things;

2. Estrogen metabolizing issues

In this guide you will learn how to overcome these issues by following a simple, 3 step approach. All that is involved is removing a few common foods and replacing them with some tasty alternatives. I also provide my supplement recommendations for keeping estrogen in check. You will also receive my best 4 week lower body targeted training routine designed to sculpt strong and sexy glutes, thighs and calves in the fastest time possible.

Your back is what people often see first and yet so many people ignore how it looks. If you have unsightly “bra fat” or “back bulges” that make it impossible for you to wear your favourite tight tops then this guide is for you. In this guide you will learn the hormonal reasons why fat accumulates on your back and the 4 supplements that will make it disappear – permanently. You will also receive my 4 week back specialization training routine that will tighten and lean out your back giving you the defined look that shows no matter what clothes you are wearing.

This one is definitely for the guys (and a problem I know all too well). The problem of chest fat is extremely embarrassing for most men and is a strong indication that you are aromatizing testosterone into estrogen. This leads to the development of “man boobies” and this can have a serious impact on your self esteem. Most guys tackle the problem the wrong way by simply training their chest more often. The correct approach is through the use of natural “flavenoids” found in everyday foods. When used properly these nutrients can prevent the conversion of testosterone to estrogen. Once the fat is gone you can then go about training your chest using this 4 week chest specialization program that create the solid pecs that look great in your tight fitting tees or when you are enjoying a day in the sun.

My goal with this program is to have as many success stories as possible. That is why I am making it affordable to EVERYONE.

As a real personal trainer who works with clients every day, I am very passionate about helping you achieve your goal. If you were anything like me when I first started, then I know how frustrating those efforts can be.

I am willing to give this to you at such a low price just so you can have this SOLUTION and enjoy the benefits that come with having a flat, toned stomach.

This is the ONLY system that addresses the top 3 reasons why you can’t see your abs and provides the fastest SOLUTION to fixing this problem once and for all.

If you are tired of all the infomercial gadgets, fat burning pills and other B.S found on television, magazines and the Internet then you owe it to yourself to put the See Your Abs program to the test.

The time to take action is now my friend.

P.S. See Your Abs is the single most powerful abdominal transformation system ever created. Plus it does not require that you do ANY risky exercises (like jumping all over the place) or the use of dangerous stimulants.

P.P.S. There is absolutely NO RISK. I am taking all the risk by giving you my “60 Day Triple Guarantee”.

If for ANY reason you want a refund just send me an email and I will give you your entire investment back. It’s as simple as that.

What are you waiting for?

Only ACTION can change your life.

P.P.P.S. Have a question? You should find it answered below…

Q – Will I have to count calories on this plan?

No. Calories do count BUT with my “3 Day Rotation” you won’t have to count anything. In fact, I’ll show you a method of eating the foods you already enjoy that will burn fat faster than you ever thought possible.

Q – How soon will I get access to the See Your Abs program and bonuses?

You will receive immediate access. After you make the small investment you will be able to open up the See Your Abs pdf document and view the pictures – even on your smart phone.


© Copyrighted 2015 – All rights reserved.


Click here to get See Your Abs at discounted price while it’s still available…

All orders are protected by SSL encryption – the highest industry standard for online security from trusted vendors.

See Your Abs is backed with a 60 Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee. If within the first 60 days of receipt you are not satisfied with Wake Up Lean™, you can request a refund by sending an email to the address given inside the product and we will immediately refund your entire purchase price, with no questions asked.

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